Some thoughts and suggestions about the Fatboy

@sladow-noob said in Some thoughts and suggestions about the Fatboy:

Not a big fan of opening yet another thread cuz there are two already which mention a lot of problems. Also I wanna note that the Fatboy is going to be a balance topic in the next meetings anyway so there's a very high change it gets changed anyway

Then new contributions about possible adjustments are even more important.

I have of course read the other posts and thought that it is a new aspect worth discussing.

just decrease the range of t2 arties, there, ez fix for fatyboy

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

I vote we just replace the Fatboy's 4 main guns with a direct fire Mavor.

"Move time forward" was very ambiguous to me

It's referring to A. the window in which the Fatboy can be built and B. the window in which using the Fatboy is viable, respectively.

@clyf Yeah, but he proposed to make them viable earlier, forward is the other way

T2 arty is too strong in general tbh

frick snoops!

@clyf said in Some thoughts and suggestions about the Fatboy:

It's referring to A. the window in which the Fatboy can be built and B. the window in which using the Fatboy is viable, respectively.

Yes, exactly, that's what I wanted to say.

I think that the way the Fatboy is designed, it would be a good choice to have it available earlier in the game.

@waffelznoob said in Some thoughts and suggestions about the Fatboy:

T2 arty is too strong in general tbh

I'm not against further adjustments either. But I didn't want to go into that any further since, as already noted, there are other posts out there about this topic.

@thewheelie I'm like 99% it was mentioned about the topics for next patch in the first meeting and it should even be in that document :psycho:
time to get the recording kappa


Aside from bubble boys buff to use it for fatties and t2 arty nerf nothing specific targetting fatboys is planned as of right now

To expand on my amazing idea:

A SturmTiger rendition of a Fatboy x Mavor.

Just throw a little-big stubby Mavor on the Fatboy.

@thewheelie I've checked it and damn, apparently indeed I just added some more things on 'my side' and in the afterwards thought it was a change in the to do list :imfine:
Then what I said was indeed just a wrong information.


This post is deleted!

I think fatboy should probably have more hp because they are insanely vulnerable to air pressure.

I agree that the Fatboy is by-far the worst land XP. It suffers from high cost, fragility, low speed, low DPS, and huge hitbox. Although it can win against other land XPs when microed and with radar, this comes at the cost of vulnerability to T2 arty, tml, bombers, battleships, nukes etc etc. Given how easy it is to counter, the fatboy should be as cheap as the Monkeylord.