What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?

Lack of cope in my ranked and tmm games.

Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...

@mazornoob Timely post seeing as we have the first post today from azrael.

If people want to pretend there are no issues when there are dozens of client crashes, hangs and bugs experienced every day in VC, games not launching about 30% of the time thats fine.

Maybe its all being worked on really hard on zulip, I wouldnt know because aside from you and one person mentioning a zulip in passing, it is written nowhere where people are supposed to be informed.

@mazornoob Jip has brought this up before as well, and the response at the time was "What's a Zulip?".

This points back to my comment about lack of communication between playerbase and devteams, but given that Azrael has commited to improving this, this issue might be solved in the future.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

See all my projects:

I don't feel like playing.

I think the game is great and it’s not a given that we still have the opportunity to play this game today. Sure, there are phases when the game runs better or worse, but what’s important is that there are people who have made an effort and keep FAF running again and again. I think we should be a little more modest and grateful that we still have the opportunity to play this great game. I think we’re just too spoiled today. It may be that there is currently a lull at FAF, but there have always been hype phases so don’t worry and check back every now and then and don’t take everything so seriously!

@thecodemander said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

@mazornoob Timely post seeing as we have the first post today from azrael.

If people want to pretend there are no issues when there are dozens of client crashes, hangs and bugs experienced every day in VC, games not launching about 30% of the time thats fine.

Maybe its all being worked on really hard on zulip, I wouldnt know because aside from you and one person mentioning a zulip in passing, it is written nowhere where people are supposed to be informed.

while I understand your frustrations, I want to assure you that Developers are working extremely hard on improving the client constantly.
I'd like to point towards Github & Developer Discussions on the Main FAF Discord.
I'd also like to point out that I do plan on doing dev logs this month as well.

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AI Developer for FAF

Community Manager for FAF
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FAF Developer

@j0hn I agree we're lucky to have FAF and keep playing the game.

When its "this is a hard technical problem, not much we can do, its hard" jank I'm down with that. The in game disconnects being every game a few weeks back was pretty lame but that was understandable.

The client chugging back gigabyte of ram, not launching games, crashing, hanging, needing to be relaunched 4 times a day because it just sort of bugged out etc. Thats not a hard technical problem, thats a client sucks problem.

And while I'd agree we should appreciate what we have, the current client deprecated a far more robust client for basically no reason. And even within the new client, older versions were more stable. Can we run older versions? No, because theres a "you must have version <x> or later lockout".

Thats not FAF running into hard problems, thats a "client sucks" problem and a "we require you to use this specific sucky client" problem which is a choice.

People keep complaining about the client crashing but when I ask specifically for logs or for people to post bug reports. I never get any back so there is very little I can do.

The client seems to be stable for most people. At least we haven't heard of frequent crashes. If you are just malding in your corner about the shit client without telling anyone, then the situation will not improve.
The old client got deprecated because literally nobody was working on it.
The mandatory version increments only happen when we do a breaking change. Then the old versions would not work correctly anymore, so it is better to deny even starting an incompatible client.

@sheikah If I sent you logs every time client malfunctions, I'm pretty sure I'd get banned for spamming.

Edit: The most repeatable screwup behaviour I have right now is it outright hanging. Especially when trying to close the thing. Only way to get it to go away is pkill -9 java

As I said above if you are not able to make reasonable bug reports from when something happened then there is very little I can do.

@sheikah The lack of reproducibility in the weird issues will likely continue to make that less than practicable.

So what is your solution? Continuing to bitch on the forum?

@blackyps Let me guess youd prefer people to what was it, quietly mald?

I'd prefer you to actually contribute to a solution by submitting proper bug reports

@blackyps Which when theres nothing interesting in the log because its locked itself up is going to take up someones time to type out "wtf you want me to do with this?" and the issue goes just as under the radar as it would if it wasnt reported.

And just how do you know that?

Debugging memory issues and race conditions is one of the hardest things to do in any application. Even more problematic if it's on end users machines outside of developers reach.

But yeah, obviously it's a "client sucks" problem that would be easy to solve and we all simply don't care.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
– Benno Rice

@thecodemander said in What is the biggest issue that plagues FAF in your opinion?:

@sheikah If I sent you logs every time client malfunctions, I'm pretty sure I'd get banned for spamming.

Edit: The most repeatable screwup behaviour I have right now is it outright hanging. Especially when trying to close the thing. Only way to get it to go away is pkill -9 java

You don't have to do it every time or never. Even just making a bug report with a log once in a while is much more helpful than doing nothing.

pfp credit to gieb

Why are issues not fixed? I specifically requested it.