Game version 3741

If they fire to slowly for you, i guess you could double all missile hp and all TMD fire rates

The thought did cross my mind 😄

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I'd also like to remind people that this is not a balance discussion thread - this isn't even a balance patch. I'm fixing things that feel underwhelming because the underlying mechanic is broken. if you disagree with the resulting balance - make a topic in the balance section of the forums and discuss it there.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip said in Game version 3741: Sneak peaks:

@jcvjcvjcvjcv said in Game version 3741: Sneak peaks:

On the other hand, doesn't this open a can of worms? What about AA overkilling their targets? (Draining all SAMs on a few spyplanes and letting the bombers behind pass, etc.)

The 'can of worms' argument is also considered the 'slippery slope fallacy' - just because we fix one issue and similar issues exist, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't fix this one issue.

As Nex describes - the reason this works is because the amount of damage that TMDs do is uniform. That doesn't apply to other weaponry. Hence even if we'd want to fix this, we couldn't reliably put a 'count' on it. Let alone that it is a property of projectiles that we're using here, not a property of a weapon or unit.

I see my wording of it was poor.

But not letting 15 SAMS fire at a spyplane kinda makes sense too 🙂

@jcvjcvjcvjcv Yes the problem is there, but it is there for all units in the game (not just sams) and is basically impossible to fix, as the unit would need perfect knowledge of what is already shooting at its target and what's going to hit etc.
So you basically calculate the game 10 ticks into the future just to see if firing this SAM is necessary. And then you do that for every unit in the game.

And the next sneak peak is available - all about doing damage!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

And another sneak peak is available - all about range rings and more frames per second (fps)!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Updated a sneak peak - more performance (in terms of fps) of not just range rings, but also plain vision!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Added the full patch notes at the top, changed title of the topic. All feedback on todays patch is welcome either here, or via discord!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Awesome update, good work everyone!

It seems I cannot download update on the unofficial client since yesterdayfail.PNG

The distribution methods for the files has changed so until that client gets an update you have to use the official client