[Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0

@eternal Nice all news articles will have a value thier

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

Lets back to what we used to xD



  1. IRC chat architecture rework
    1.1. Fixed UI lag
    1.2. Fixed chat bugs
    1.3. Added list of channels
    1.4. Reworked new channel input
    1.5. Suggestion box now with player data
  2. Fixed link buttons (not working)

If you encounter bug where is shown only IRC users, that means that IRC users loaded faster that lobby players instances. To fix that press refresh button (pic. 3)



First time i got an error that disconnected me from server... And my code that was written without tests worked perfectly! Reconnected in few seconds. I got an error on first reconnect because my token was not valid. But was fixed by second authorization attempt. Also there is options to restart UI client without turning off the whole application (it will be not closed in process, special background services will work, UI client will be restarted). And an option to restart the whole application.


For next release




  1. Added profile page
    1.1. Added friends/foes list with ability to remove them
    1.2 Added btn to remove friend/foe
    1.3 Added context menu to remove friend/foe
  2. Fixed friends/foes not shown after authorization
  3. Fixed maps [ranked] is bugged
  4. Hidden maps is now fully hidden 😞
  5. Fixed suggestion box in chat

UPD. Fixes, reuploaded

badass technologies. Infinity scroll

More UI interactive

Hey @Eternal , Does this run in Linux natively? C# is cross-platform now so here's hoping.

@eezyville sadly it does not, i was working with him on troubleshooting it but i went on to work on other stuff for a while. Ill update u if i ever do anything more with it.

@spikeynoob I know some C#. I've been getting my ass kicked looking for a job so my confidence is -9000. I think I'll fork the project and try to recreate his work in AvaloniaUI. It will help me understand whats going on. BTW I love watching you're games.

@eezyville mr @Eternal has been very supportive of linux users. Maybe u can help work with him to make the main version stable on wine. We got it pretty close to working but i think we ended up having issues with the ICE adapter and running the actual exe (has to be done through a script). Also, if ur a linux user u should check out #linux-support on the faf discord, we managed to get all the particles and fx running perfectly on linux recently. I even figured out how to get a FA development environment and the FAF map editor running as well.

@eezyville to make it cross platform natively, we need to use something like avalonia. I working on clean wpf with some graphic library. It will take a lot of time. You still can use Wine.

@eternal I have some ideas on how to make wine work, but ive taken on alot of game dev/balance team stuff so im a little busy rn. When i get some time i would be down to discuss trying to make it work.

@spikeynoob Yeah, no rush. I am currently busy at work and doing some other work on client