Influx of Pro-Putin/Anti-Ukraine behavior in chat and game title
If there is going to be a statement, it should be one of empathy for all persons displaced or threatened by violence and to remind FAF players that whatever they write might be read by a FAF player who is at risk or has family members at risk.
NOT a statement of support for redditors whose "emotions are high" because they decided 3 days ago that they're emotionally super-invested in the Ukraine conflict (even though they knew nothing about Ukraine one week ago and what they know today is just propaganda) and they're shocked, hurt, surprised, wounded to see that anyone disagrees.
We are discussing among the board and council how to best write the statement in current. I initiated the conversation as stated beforehand that we will acknowledge this, but do want everyone to know that controlling everything is not our aim. There is no way we can tell everyone to be silent but ask to try and be respectful to those affected.
To backup Morax - we are discussing this very topic with the board and the council members. Thank you @magge for initiating the discussion publicly.
Ftx is right. It's becoming increasingly hard to escape politics.
That said, I have no recommendation on how to handle it. (But doing nothing seems like a reasonable option... after all, the war will be decided by other people one way or another.)
Everybody has grasped it outside of this forum, it seems. Russian players must be banned. It is that simple. Even if it guts the community. Every sport, every game, every company is politics now.
@cpt_cnullrufs sports are banning players that are representing Russia from competing. Big difference to banning/discriminating against someone just because they live in Russia which is what you seem to be suggesting.
@cpt_cnullrufs said in Influx of Pro-Putin/Anti-Ukraine behavior in chat and game title:
Everybody has grasped it outside of this forum, it seems. Russian players must be banned. It is that simple. Even if it guts the community. Every sport, every game, every company is politics now.
No, we should ban Americans, they are bullying me for my IP. This is discrimination.
If Gabe bans all the russians from steam then we can start thinking about doing something like that. -
This post is deleted! -
R Resistance locked this topic on
Forum is not the place for politics talk,
the current situation is being monitored and moderated actively,please resepct eachother,
we are all players in here.