RCIV - Spacenet ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200
Post #3: Tournament Schedule + Structure
Tournament - Will be played on 3 days:
Saturday Feb 26th: 1-3 Matches or 2-9 games.
Sunday Feb 27th: 2-3 Matches or 4-9 games
Finals Date - tbd*: 1-2 Matches or 3-9 games
*To be held consecutively on same day,
decided upon by 3 team captains.
Follow the tournament on the Challonge website here:
How the 3 Day Tournament will play:
12 teams of 3, will compete in a double elimination format.
All matches will be Bo3's except for....
the Finals will be a Bo7, with winners bracket team starting the match 1-0.
Screen capture above is the current RCIV Teams and their bracket positions.
The small grey numbers to the left of each bracket are the Match numbers referenced in the Map pool. -
Post #4: Player Registration
This is an Open Tournament.
Players register as potential Captains or draftee's.
Teams for this tournament will work through a Captain Pick process.
Players will be seeded by their highest rating, regardless of global or ladder.The highest 12 rated players will become Captains.
A Captain is given the right to draft "pick" a team,
out of the registered players "draft pool" to play with during the tournament.The Captains themselves will also be seeded according to rating.
Meaning the 12th Captain will have the lowest seed of all 12 Captains.
However, this 12th Captain will have the right to -
draft the 1st player during the Team Selection stage.
The drafts then goes up sequentially from 11th Capt. to the 1st Captain.
This procedure is repeated again for the 2nd player, from 12th Capt. to 1st Capt.
.The Following players have registered:
Captains ratings are taken from the day after the LoTS finals.
(evening of Dec 20th, see screen shot below)Players registering for this tournament should find
the higher of their 2 ratings in below screenshot, and enter it on this thread.
(If your rating has gone up, you may submit the new higher rating for the draft,
but new rating does not effect top 12 Captain seeding) -
Post #5: Game Map/Scenairo example
How the game maps are released:
Spacenet-AI positions are shown, with AI factions pre-selected,
Closed spawn sites are shown,
Any remaining spawns Not closed, are open for players.
.Below is an example game map/scenario,
Reset All options to default each game, and
set the 3 tourny specific options (in green out line box).AI Cheat and Build multipliers will be from:
a low of 1.0 (AI) to a high of 1.4x (AIx)-This example game map/scenario has Mixed AI's...
with AIx in front/top spawns and Standard AI in the back/bottom spawn sites.
That's it! .....Basically.... Just match the Game Lobby/Map Screen, easy peazy. -
Post #6: Map Pool and Finals Map selection process
Map Pool:
There will be 22 different maps for the Tournament.
9 maps for Day #1
9 maps for Day #2
4 maps for Finals Day
(Final 5 game maps of Finals will be
chosen by captains from the above 22 maps).Each map will have an ID number, and is assigned to the
'match and game' associated with
the tournament bracket match number on Challonge.Bo3 matches will have:
Games 1+3, on 10x10 maps, and
Game 2's, on 20x20 maps.
.Map Pool:
10 x 10 maps:
Adaptive Tournament Decision...........Matches: 1-3............................Game 1..............Map 1
adaptive lonely island................................Matches: 1-3............................Game 3.............Map 3
Canyon Mayhem...........................................Matches: 4-7 ..........................Game 1..............Map 4
Adaptive Algun................................................Matches: 4-7..........................Game 3.............Map 6
5vs5 Tabula Rasa .........................................Matches: 8-10 ........................Game 1..............Map 7
Adaptive Flooded Tabual Rasa ..........Matches: 8-10 ........................Game 3.............Map 9
Adaptive Regor Highlands......................Matches: 11-14.........................Game 1.............Map 10
Adaptive Actavia Fixed Edition.............Matches: 11-14.........................Game 3............Map 12
Adaptive Strongwyn....................................Matches: 15, 16, +18..............Game 1.............Map 13
Plateau of Arracis..........................................Matches: 15, 16, +18..............Game 3............Map 15
Adaptive Coiling Dragon River.............Match: 17.....................................Game 1.............Map 16
Delta Ravine......................................................Match: 17.....................................Game 3............Map 18
Adaptive Fields of Great Phoenix.......Match: 19......................................Game 1............Map 19
Hyperion..............................................................Match: 19......................................Game 3...........Map 2120x20 maps:
Adaptive Miridia.............................................Matches: 1-3..............................Game 2............Map 2
Big Bang Dry.....................................................Matches: 4-7.............................Game 2............Map 5
Air Wars 6v6......................................................Matches: 8-10............................Game 2............Map 8
Adaptive Dual Italy.......................................Matches: 11-14..........................Game 2............Map 11
Selkie Mirror.......................................................Matches: 15, 16, +18................Game 2............Map 14
adaptive delta riva......................................Match: 17.......................................Game 2............Map 17
Adaptive Selkie isle 5v5............................Match: 19.......................................Game 2............Map 20
Round 1
Matches 1-3 > Game 1
Adaptive Tournament Decision
Round 1
Matches 1-3 > Game 2
Adaptive Miridia
Round 1
Matches 1-3 > Game 3
adaptive lonely island
Round 2
Matches 4-7 > Game 1
Canyon Mayhem
Round 2
Matches 4-7 > Game 2
Big Bang Dry
Round 2
Matches 4-7 > Game 3
Adaptive Algun
Losers Round 1
Matches 8-10 > Game 1
5vs5 Tabula Rasa
Losers Round 1
Matches 8-10 > Game 2
Air Wars 6v6
Losers Round 1
Matches 8-10 > Game 3
Adaptive Flooded Tabula Rasa
Round 3 and Losers Round 2
Matches 11-14 > Game 1
Adaptive Regor Highlands
Round 3 and Losers Round 2
Matches 11-14 > Game 2
Adaptive Dual Italy
Round 3 and Losers Round 2
Matches 11-14 > Game 3
Adaptive Actavia Fixed Edition
Round 4 and Losers Round 3
Matches 15, 16 + 18 > Game 1
Adaptive Strongwyn
Round 4 and Losers Round 3
Matches 15, 16 + 18 > Game 2
Selkie Mirror
Round 4 and Losers Round 3
Matches 15, 16 + 18 > Game 3
Plateau of Arracis
Losers Round 4
Match 17 > Game 1
Adaptive Coiling Dragon River
Losers Round 4
Match 17 > Game 2
adaptive delta riva
Losers Round 4
Match 17 > Game 3
Delta Ravine
Semi Finals
Match 19 > Game 1
Adaptive Fields of Great Phoenix
Semi Finals
Match 19 > Game 2
Adaptive Selkie Isle 5v5
Semi Finals
Match 19 > Game 3
Match 20 > Game 1
Dark Liver Mirrored
Match 20 > Games 2-6
Games 2-6 maps will be chosen by the Captains as follows:
Each Captain will send list of 8 map ID #'s, from the map pool to veto.
The remaining maps will be vetoed 1 at a time until 5 maps remain.!roll to see which side choses first map to play.
Alternate map picks to play thereafter. -
Post #7: AI Developers Acknowledgement
Special Thanks To Our wonderful AI-Developement community:
Uveso, Relentor, Softles & Chp2001 (AI participating Devs)
Plus- Azraeel, Sprouto, !MarLo, Jip, Dragun101, Balthazar, Swkoll &
All the others who contribute and play test.
Their teams and the AI mods ARE what made this tournament possible,
and practicing so much more fun and challenging!AI's included in RCIV
AI-Uveso: -- ( 3 sub AI's)
AI: Uveso Adaptive: -------- Balanced AI.
AI: Uveso Rush: ------------T1, T2 and T3 unit spam
AI: Uveso Experimentals:---- Focuses on experimentals.RNGAI: -- (2 Sub AI's)
AI: RNG Standard ----------Balanced All around Excellent AI
AI: RNG Standard Air -------Tech AIAI: DilliDalli:-- (1 AI)
AI: DilliDalli ----------------1 v 1 specialist.
To learn more about AI-Uveso, read Uveso info here:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/350/ai-uveso-v88-ai-mod-for-faforeverTo learn more about RNGAI, read relent0r info here:
https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=19149To learn more about DilliDalli, read Softles forum page here:
.Also Thanks to our players.
Having skilled players play vs the AI,
helps our AI Developers observe and improve their AI's.
..our casters who provide great entertainment to us viewers, and
give great exposure to the different AI mods, and
..our promotors who worked very hard on promoting this tourny and
got this forum 20x's the number of views as last year -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
Post #8: Prelude to Spacenet Galactic War
The year 1997 - A Match that changed History.
Garry Kasparov Vs IBM's Deep Blue chess computer:
In 1996 - 1st Match - Kasparov wins (4-2)
This was the first computer program to defeat a world champion in a classical 'game'.
In the 1997 Rematch, Big Blue wins (3 1/2 - 2 1/2)
This was the first computer program to defeat a world champion in a regulation 'match'.The year 2029.
A cyborg assassin is sent back in time by Skynet corporation to assassinate Sarah Connor,
whose unborn son (John Connor) will one day lead a resistance and save mankind.Today: Skynets successor - Spacenet,
has spread a computer virus among a large portion of the galaxies battlebots.
The virus causes the battlebots to switch their "friend or foe" signature to ally with
Spacenet's already formidable armies.Therefore... with this imminent threat upon us,
it is necessary to call all brave soldiers,
to come forward, enlist and save our galaxy from an
evil corporation along with our eternal enemies!We must deal with this new threat, and we must do it smartly.
Spacenet is also at war with our eternal enemies.
Whenever there are 3 armies on one outpost...
You must battle like FFA fighters.We are looking for Commanders with:
the Brains and Cunning of a Garry Kasparov, and
the Leadership and Bravery of a John Connor, to
come forward, suit up and help defeat Spacenet.
(Armies are forming and battles are expected to commence at ANY time!)Incentives - Besides saving the Galaxy, and the eternal gratitude of Trillions...
Will be payouts totaling $1,200 to the top 3 teams,
and a hard fought for, campaign battle ribbon
Sign up below now, so you don't miss any Action!
sign up
Neytron 1800global 1500ladder -
Issue is that the last 3 teams that are given free slots were built on the captain seeding of the last tournament which is a statement on the strength of the signups of that tournament. It is entirely possible that those teams represent significantly stronger teams that what this tournament seeding will create or something significantly weaker depending entirely on who decides to play. This also doesn't take into account players from the last captain picking process improving ie LimeZ was on the winning team last year and increased about 250 rating or so.
not only, even player instead of 1600 became 2000 in the ladder -
Signing up Femboy 1400 global 1300 ladder!
Also @Fearghal Would you be okay if the FAF promotions team made some marketing material for the tournament? Nothing crazy but like maybe a logo, some overlays for FAFLive with rainbow colors and so on lol
That's all True,After further consideration, the invitations have been revoked.
I would Love the marketing help!
I know the Promotions team is taking a well deserved vacation.
Registration for this tourny ends midnight Sunday Feb 6th.
So we have a very nice time period to work with. -
@fearghal Perfect! I will be making a new forum post titles "Rainbow Cup IV - Promotional Material" soon so we can get feedback from other people (and to keep this post clean for the signups)
@fearghal said in Rainbow Cup IV ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:
Even though some players ratings have changed,
I don't think any of the Invited teams are too strong.The team that won (bully/arch/lime) would be 5800 rated which would put them at the highest rating tier in the old tournament (filled with lopsided teams that have 2300 or 2400s) with that rating divided between 3 people that are high enough in rating to be captains in the last tournament.
I don't think you're proving that you won by luck by basically being able to ignore the captain process which is intended to make things as fair play as possible for a teamgame tournament. Rather you're proving that you might only be able to win due to luck in this tournament because you got to ignore all the fair play restrictions put upon everybody else.
This is also besides the theoretical assumption that the team gets the edge because they have proven they work well together by winning the past tournament while all other teams do not have that advantage. I don't think that actually applies in this case but it still throws a wrench in the narrative that this is about a team "proving" themselves. If it's about proving themselves then you can just get rid of the whole captain process and let people sign up as a synergistic team. Mixing the two systems doesn't make any sense.
The invitations have been withdrawn.The draft system worked pretty good last year, as
the 11th seeded team came in 1st
the 1st seeded came in 2nd and
the 4th seeded came in 3rd.
That's a good mix.Lets see what happens........
I predict 12 well balanced teams like last year. -
NoOneCares - 1800 global signing up
@fearghal haha fun
i sign up
Coming to party - 1915(ladder / global)
I'm in! 1600± global, 1100 ladder