The release causing this was rolled back ~17 hours ago. Is your post up to date @StormLantern ?
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How big is your folder?
Why would the app close gracefully? An error in the replay server connection does not cause your game or any other feature of the client to break. Unless all of these separate connections also fail. Connection reset
can be anything from internet connection loss, to temporal wifi loss, your computer firewall going bonkers, windows errors on ANY of the two connection ends or any server in between...
The only reason the official client wouldn't start is if you are running a version of windows 10 before windows 10 build version 1803. There is an incompatibility with that old version of windows 10.
You can update your windows 10 or manually perform the fix detailed here.
For those coming to help, this is an error in the python client.
I had a 3570k few years back, any microstutters I had were due to SW or HW issues, IMO they shouldn't be that noticeable.
Hence my listed suggestions to test if they can be removed.
Don't think it should be that obvious in frametimes as for the OP?
Things I'd do in this order to find the issue:
- Reboot PC
- Try steam version
- Try FAF version without mods
- Update drivers, try rollback drivers (GPU at least), these preferrably with display driver uninstaller
- Update BIOS (or rollback if recently updated)
- Try fresh OS
- Try diff OS (e.g. if issues with Win 10, try Win 11 or 7)
- Start looking at potential HW issues
You can look up all the different settings in our IRC config: