@e33144211332424 For a game replay..
Best posts made by ZooDoo4U
Latest posts made by ZooDoo4U
Thought there use to be an option to change the font size in the FAF client. But the font in the UI now seems like it is 4pt and simply can't read most messages...
Is there a config file where i could set the font size?
Game seem slow on accepting input/orders. Very noticeable when you see a bunch of T3 Bombers about to snipe your comm... Something appears to have changed in the last month or two when giving orders to units. So you see you comm is about to get snipped by bombers or tac missiles... So you select the unit, order it to move and, nothing the unit will die because the orders weren't carried out. This seems to have started a month or so back, never entered an issue, but it is really noticeable... As long as i've played, one could always have been able to select the unit and have it move immediately. It seems the delay is easily between 5 to 10 seconds now, and the units one use to save is now dead...
Why does that matter? The game allows watching live replays, even if delayed by a minute or three.. This is completely built in and allowed... I've seen a number of games where a team had no Aeon and my everything in my base(s), ya i had three separate bases all cloaked, even watch the replay to see what could be seen, (nothing). How ever each base systematically got arty'ed into oblivion, no probing fire all direct shots at three cloaked bases... One might lucky... Always thought allowing people to watch live replays even if delayed was a bad idea...
Might be me but the latest changes seem more than annoying and breaks the game play. Units like the tempest being able to be construction units, the game has always allowed and had them, why fix, change or break it now? Other notable change the unit hover to build mass extractors and hydro, and the latest removal double clicking an engineer on a mass to get storage around it. Can understand the problems with the "hover" ability but not for the dblclick to place storage. Could be wrong but thought the release notes mentioned fixes for game stability... How about not messing with the game and put it back to the original... The game got popular and i never remember having as many crashes and desyns as it appears there are now a days...
Might suggest detailing what OS, and the specific characteristics of you system. Running in a VM, Windows? Limited user account...? While hard to say but looking at the stack trace it looks more like a corrupt install of java more then FAF, and FAF is encountering the errors because Java is dorked up.
Seems there is a new exploit going around from what it seems. It appears some players have invincibility mods. Tried reporting a game about a week ago from the FAF client by reporting a player. So again last night saw it happen again last night and called it out. I'm seeing units take no damage at all. The first game, which i attempted to report, got a guys com to 300 health with 15 megabots and other units standing around it, was taking damage, and the guy made a comment "oh yea, stop me now...." and after that no units of his took and damage and his com and other units walked the entire map under a lot of heavy fire, not just the first 15+ megabots but a lot more GC along the way.... The game i'm reporting i'll see a few t3 sere siege take just out may base and called out the point hey these units take no damage...
Thought the game use to have checks to help ensure stuff wasn't modified at start... In the last couple weeks sure seems this is becoming more and more of an issue. Cheat mods or updates in the game that introduced bugs to allow this... But would say in the one where the they guy couldn't die seems more like a game cheat...
The other thing seems like the units in question, my units even though they are right next to them, my units won't even fire and attack them...
Can see this in that game here about 1 hour 14 minutes. And my call out at at 1:14:25... I'm in the lower left corner, and there are 3 or 4 of t3 siege bots outside my base, vanga (the green player), i have 3 mega and a few 15+ aeon snipper bots firing at the siege bots for a minute or two, absolutely no damage...
Come to think about it, seems this highlights another problem, units not shooting at enemy units visible and in range...
@sgtray I was running into a crashing bug, just after the last update. People suggested trying to watch an older replay, guess the game will get updated to the older version/patch. Seemed to work but could only watch replays. The it turns out that patch was reverted and rolled back. After that i could play again...
Thanks for the info @Jip
Actually, the game feels really sloooooooooooooooow these days. I've played supcom from the pre-released betas before being shipped. I have a copy on a much slower machine (intel 6700K) , with the original Supcom/FA and play skirmishes on it from time to time. That game plays way much faster then the heavily modded version from FAF on a 5950x w/128GB ram and a rtx 3080. Sorry just get use to the speed of units moving on that unmodified game. Well i guess a 10 year old 6700K CPU should be faster as it is a 6700 which is greater than 5950. Interesting when checking the game speed vai ren_shownetworkstatus something is wrong. Can easily see units on my 5950 moving so slow when comparing the two machines... Checking the game speed on my 5950x sure i see that game is at +10, but honestly the units are moving about 75% of the +10 on my 6700k. Sure feels like the old built in 500ms delay was increased to 750ms and causing the game to be much slower...
@e33144211332424 For a game replay..
@femtozetta Most every game i play now. And for the most part as vanillas as it can be, not mods.