@ThomasHiatt On syrtis the engineers have no issue with attack move order in the middle where there are a bunch of civilian walls.
RE: Engineers in a factory attack move do not reclaim
RE: Engineers in a factory attack move do not reclaim
@ThomasHiatt This is interesting. I am going to be leaving random walls around wrecks from now on.
Engineers in a factory attack move do not reclaim
Right in the middle of the map, 17:15 on for a few minutes engies in a factory attack move are ignoring reclaim directly in front of them.
They are not idle.
Mass in storage is zero.
The reclaim is certainly close enough.WTF is going on. I have been noticing my engies acting really stupid since I came back.
"short pause" in addition to regular pause order
Would be nice to have the option to pause engineers or factories for 30 second and then have them resume automatically.
RE: High cpu usage for render thread
All fidelity settings on low low resolution, full screen.
high cpu usage throughout
https://justpaste.it/5qmb6 -
RE: High cpu usage for render thread
@speed2 SC_frametimeclamp is set to 16 ms by default so limiting frame times didn't really make a difference. The issue is back once again
RE: High cpu usage for render thread
@speed2 Although it is not always maxed, this is very useful so far. Thank you
RE: High cpu usage for render thread
This is extremely weird now. On ambush pass I see 100% cpu usage for ren thread. On craftius maximus I see about 30%. I am testing this back to back to back with consistency.
RE: High cpu usage for render thread
yes. it is afterburner. I reinstall graphics drivers and faf. The issue seems to have gone away, at least for a few games.
I know it will come back when I start messing around with console commands again. -
High cpu usage for render thread
In full screen mode the render thread is maxed out the whole time. In windowed mode it is not maxed out at first but progessively becomes unplayable.
Any help with this will be appreciated.log:
https://pastebin.pl/view/4c64c090This issue may have started when I got the supreme economy mod a few days ago.
I turned off all mods, not much difference.
https://pastebin.pl/view/59b32b41 -
Score screen - list units that achieved highest veterancy at the end of the game in a given category
Would be nice to see which player had the best t1 land unit, the best t1 pd, the best air unit the best commander etc. at the end of the game.