Played a heavily modded game (primarily fast build, increased storage, increased nuke defence build rate, defence expanded). 1x AIX vs 1x human.
@maudlin27 well done... took me over 2 hours (Uveso with the same settings would be sub 1hr typically).
Got forced to turtle up to the middle a bit the AI was very overwhelming with a constant stream of high tier units controlling the center.
I'm betting it would have had enough resources to build more experimentals however it didnt. Might have been able to win if it did. One area AIs can typically offer more challenge to human players (if resources permit) is by building experimentals as that requires extensive micro management as a human.
It never tried for a nuke win. T4 Arty was disabled in this match so there was no Arty win possible.
I won via area supression followed by brute force nuke win.
- Area for improvement.

Don't park within range of guns
- Area for improvement
In the above screenshot that was a fleet of T1 and T3 engineers primarily. Seems kind of useless?
Tried to invade with that engineer army multiple times. Cannon fodder strategy?
Overall - good game. Played well. Slowest point with large armies clashing -2, typically +2.