Aeon is just boring to play tbh, even if they are balanced or the strongest.
RE: SUGGESTION: AEON T2 Shield Generator Fix
I'd go for a smaller footprint & weaker shield. Seems like it'd be fun to play with.
RE: New forum ui once again fucked up the design
Understandable, I should've just pinged you.
Honestly I'm really surprised a major forum software is lacking a default dark mode toggle. I will look more into getting it added upstream. But IIRC from what I read when I originally looked into it others have already tried.
RE: Dark Mode
@Brutus5000 It should be in the top left corner, you can see it in the demo gif I posted above.
You added both the custom CSS & JS?
RE: New forum ui once again fucked up the design
@Brutus5000 I offered to implement it myself if given permissions and provided the relevant code for any other admin to do it when no one answered.
RE: New forum ui once again fucked up the design
For reference: Read topics should be a different font color compared to unread.
Also, I never received any feedback about implementing a real dark mode.
RE: Decapitation should be a rated victory condition
I would 100% start playing this over full share.
RE: Suggesting rule change: make immediately unpausing after a player asked for a pause against the rules.
I say this in regards to custom games as MM is different:
Can we stop with the rules? FAF is starting to feel like a digital nanny state. It's a small enough community as is, it's like we're trying to literally rule it out existence.
Too often lately there's something else that needs rules added or further restricted.
- Name change restrictions (That no one asked for other than mods getting annoyed at players having some laughs)
- Leaving games: Honestly that whole thread was pretty cringe to read. So much debate over something players can self moderate for and already do.
- Constant debate over smurf accounts when we all know a ton of players have and use them anyway
- And now unpausing? Again, something players can not only self moderate for, but literally just re-pause anyway.
Just let the community handle things themselves when it comes to things that be player-moderated.
RE: mass storage.
I know what we can do, get rid of everything except the ACU. It can generate its own resources. Also forget buildings. We don't need those. Just have units spawn from the ACU. Also maps should all be divided into 3 lanes. Upgrades should be free and come from killing units. Maybe give other abilities instead of just overcharge too.
RE: Bug Report:SMD missing target
Pretty sure it's existed since the start, just increasingly more rare as FAF made changes. I especially remember multiple SMDs firing at a single nuke used to be fairly common until FAF made changes as Jip pointed out.
RE: Bug Report:SMD missing target
Seems like Jip gave yall the answer already, take it up with the balance team.
RE: mass storage.
I suggest we all go back to playing Pong, it's much simpler and doesn't confuse the masses.
RE: Check out a new mod
I always wanted to see Destros/Battleships with some PD
RE: Dark Mode
For the Persona Theme:
Custom CSS:/* css for night mode */ [data-theme="dark"] { --font-color: #e1e1ff; --bs-body-bg: #202124; --bs-body-color: #f1f3f4; --bs-body-color-rgb: 255,255,255; --bs-nav-link-color: #fff; --bs-border-color: #35363a; --bs-body-bg-rgb: 32,33,36; --bs-light-rgb: 32,33,36; --bs-secondary-color: #337ab7; --bs-navbar-brand-color: 128, 128, 128; --bs-emphasis-color-rgb: 128, 128, 128; } [data-theme="dark"] hr { border-top-color: #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] .active .chat-room-btn { background-color: #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] { .btn-outline { border-color: #b6b6b6; } } [data-theme="dark"] {, .btn-outline:hover,, .btn-link:hover { background-color: #35363a; } } [data-theme="dark"] {, .btn-ghost:hover,, .btn-ghost-sm:hover { background-color: #262729; } } [data-theme="dark"] .skin-noskin .composer { background-color: #262729!important; } [data-theme="dark"] .skin-noskin .bottombar-nav .dropdown-menu { background-color: #262729 !important; } [data-theme="dark"] .bottombar-nav .nav-text { color: #ffffff; } [data-theme="dark"] .composer .resizer { background: linear-gradient(transparent,#262729); } [data-theme="dark"] .skin-noskin .bottombar-nav { background-color: #262729!important; } [data-theme="dark"] .page-topic .pagination-block.ready { background-color: #202124 !important; border-color: #262729 !important; } [data-theme="dark"] .form-control { background-color: #262729; border: 1px solid #35363a; color: #b6b6b6; } [data-theme="dark"] .form-control:focus { color: white; background-color: #262729; border-color: #262729; box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px rgba(0,0,0,.075), 0 0 0 0.05rem rgb(27 115 249); } [data-theme="dark"] .dropdown-item:hover { color: white; background-color: #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] .tag-list .tag { background-color: #262729; color: white; } [data-theme="dark"] .breadcrumb .breadcrumb-item span { color: #b6b6b6; } [data-theme="dark"] .card { --bs-card-cap-bg: rgba(38,39,41); background-color: #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] .skin-noskin nav.sidebar { background-color: #202124!important; } [data-theme="dark"] .sidebar { background-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] { .sidebar .nav-link:focus, .nav-link:hover { background-color: #35363a !important; color: white; } } [data-theme="dark"] .sticky-tools { background-color: #202124; } [data-theme="dark"] .text-muted { color: #b6b6b6!important; } [data-theme="dark"] nav-btn:hover { background-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .btn-ghost-sm:hover { background-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .btn:hover { background-color: #202124; border-color: #62656f; } [data-theme="dark"] { .dropdown-menu, .dropdown-item { background-color: #202124; color: #f1f3f4; } } [data-theme="dark"] .border-gray-300 { border-color: #35363a!important; } [data-theme="dark"] ul.topics-list li.selected { background-color: #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] .modal-content { background-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .account .avatar-wrapper { border: 4px solid #262729; } [data-theme="dark"] .topic-list-header {background-color: var(--bs-body-bg); border-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .topic-header {background-color: var(--bs-body-bg); border-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .category-item .title {color: red;} [data-theme="dark"] .description {color: red;} @media (min-width: 576px) { [data-theme="dark"] .topic .pagination-block .scroller-container { border-left: 2px solid #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline>[component=post] { border-left: 2px solid #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline>[component=post]:first-child:before { background-color: #35363a; } [data-theme="dark"] .page-topic .topic .posts.timeline>[component=post]:last-child:after { background-color: #35363a; } } /* css for the switch a night/light */ .theme-switch { display: inline-block; height: 26px; position: relative; width: 55px; } .theme-switch input { display:none; } .slider { background-color: #ffffff; bottom: 0; cursor: pointer; left: 0; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; transition: .4s; } .slider:before { background-color: #1b73f9; bottom: 3px; content: ""; height: 18px; width: 18px; left: 4px; position: absolute; transition: .4s; border-radius: 50px; } input:checked + .slider { background-color: #262729; } input:checked + .slider:before { transform: translateX(28px); } [data-theme="dark"] [component="brand/logo"] { content: url(/link/to/logo-for-dark-mode.png); }
Custom JS:
const toggleSwitch = document.querySelector('.theme-switch input[type="checkbox"]'); const currentTheme = localStorage.getItem('theme'); if (currentTheme) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', currentTheme); if (currentTheme === 'dark') { toggleSwitch.checked = true; } } function switchTheme(e) { if ( { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'dark'); localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark'); } else { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'light'); localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light'); } } toggleSwitch.addEventListener('change', switchTheme, false);
RE: Dark Mode
I only have trial access to NodeBB for another few days. I don't know if one of the current FAF forum admins wants to implement the changes, or allow me to do it but if I don't hear anything I'll just post the custom css here for someone else to work with.
RE: Units not firing
Happens all the time with the GC. Haven't seen it for other units though.
RE: Formation move on air f*ing up pathfinding
Yea, I've definitely noticed this. I've missed many drops because of the ASF deciding to go back to base and form up instead of just following the attack or move order. It started at least a few months ago. Something has 100% changed, and it IS happening on simple clicks, not click & drags. I think Nuggets is right that it has to do with selecting ASF in the field and ASF fresh off the factory together.