ive been going through the missions with a friend, but some of the objectives in some of the missions dont seem to pop correctly and i always have to exit to dashboard should all my things be destroyed. is this a known issue caused by something? i can look for specifics if need be
Win/fail + mission expansion conditions in the community made missions arent working right
RE: Wish-A-Mod Foundation
is there already a mod that allows you to ban units for ai but not human players? if not i think that would make a fine addition.
M27 ai vs. m28 ai
Can anyone tell me the differences between these and which one is better for what kind of match?
Highest cpu rating as host?
Should the person with the highest cpu rating always be hosting? May be a dumb quest, but the curiosity is there.
Maps won't load
I was having a desync issue on every match so I was recommended to uninstall the game and launcher and delete all files related to the game and just reinstall and redownload everything. I've reinstalled the game and now none of the maps are loading. I have no idea what I'm doing on this PC, someone please help.
RE: persistent desync
its happening with any mod installed. even with just uveso ai
persistent desync
im having really quick desyncs with my friends. we use to have no problem but now it desyncs every game. we dont use all mods together anymore because we cant figure out what the issue is but i have a list of our usual.
mod list:
black ops FAF Unleashed, exunits,acus
paragon for all
smart tactical missile
total mayhem
welfare child support, step dadthis is our last game:
https://replay.faforever.com/24028679 -
RE: game freezes
@Jip found it
ai wave survival
blackops ACUs, EXUnits, Unleashed
exp hive
paragon for all
total mayhem
ultra shields
Zen T2 &T3 walls -
RE: Game Getting Locked Up in Infinite Loop
@jip i also have this problem, how do i find replay codes?
RE: 3758 Developers Patch: Crash using AI Wave Survival and BlackOps Unleashed
@rama unfortunately it happened sooner
RE: 3758 Developers Patch: Crash using AI Wave Survival and BlackOps Unleashed
@rama I will try this today, thank you so much
wave mods
is there a good survival againt ai that isnt the ai wave survival mod? i love the mod but the games freezes and the hour/10 mark every single time and i cant find a fix
RE: 3758 Developers Patch: Crash using AI Wave Survival and BlackOps Unleashed
@rama i am actually having this issue right now. i created a topic before i found this, but is it still caused by the same issue?
game freezes
Re: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
so ive been loving this mod, but it freezes between and hour and ten minutes, and an hour and 25 minutes ever single time. it doesnt crash. the game stays open, theres still sounds, you can still click things, it just sits like its trying. i then have to close the game from steam. nothing ive done fixes this and i cant find anything about it, how can i fix this?