sign up, available for hire.
RE: New client "null" spam
Yes, I know what null means. The messages never happened before. They are annoying.
New client "null" spam
I was forced to upgrade to the new faf client yesterday and now I get constant "user has joined null" messages all the time now. It is as if friends are joining null lobbies after they leave games and even join them.
Quite annoying.
How do I fix?
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
I don't play ladder because I am too old. I did the ladder thing over 20 years ago with StarCraft I and WarCraft 3. For folks such as myself, no amount of begging, pleading, or luring will get us to jump in. To play ladder properly simply requires too much dedication with regards to time that we may no longer wish to spend. Sixteen hour days nonstop is gruelling.
Share Until Death Transport issue
Tonight something odd happened that I believe could be fixed or adjusted:
My ACU was in a transport that a teammate had given me earlier in the game and my teammate happened to die while I was in flight. The acu exploded, and then so did my ACU.
I don't think this should be.
I believe the ACU should override the condition and allow the transport to remain alive, or if anything, after a set amount of time this should be the case. This seems really silly to be wasted by proxy because one of your teammates got wasted, even if they are quite a distance away.
RE: Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team
The point of this thread is not individual balance changes, as mentioned by the OP, but the need for balance councilor changes.
Reading comprehension is hard, but I understand that real life is complicated, beyond the computer screen.
Have a nice day!
RE: Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team
@spikeynoob said in Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team:
@mr_blastman A bad job? What makes u someone who is able to claim changes are a bad job?
My vote is just as qualified as anyone else. That's why everyone gets one vote.
RE: Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team
A bad job is a bad job, arma473. Just because they have a high rating doesn't excuse them from poor choices. There are no excuses here. Change is due now.
RE: Title: A Time For Change: FAF Community Balance Team
I concur 100% with the OP. Out with the old, in with the new.
Balance changes are bordering on ridiculous now, and we need to fire the entire balance team, immediately. Public elections held quarterly or bi-annually would be optimal, with back to back term limits implemented. I would like to see a two concurrent term maximum limit imposed, with the option of overriding by supermajority vote, should a councilor prove their mettle.
Far too long have nonsensical balance changes persisted. FAF needs a change.
Make it so.
p.s. For clarification a supermajority vote is one that is 67% - 90%(this could be adjusted in this range before making law).
RE: UI scaling for ultrawide monitors?
Thanks! So the mods folder is in the steam directory?
RE: UI scaling for ultrawide monitors?
Interesting. I just drop this folder into programdata?
UI scaling for ultrawide monitors?
I recently upgraded to a 32:9 ultrawide monitor that is 49 inches wide, which is great for FPS and third person games and I figured it might be neat for FAF. Well, it kind of is, but isn't...
See, the FA UI scales to the edges of the screen, which means... of course, it is now impossible to look at the scoreboard, build queue and mass/energy bars efficiently because I basically have to turn my head constantly to see these which distracts from the game.
Is there a way to scale the UI so that it remains in the center of the screen as on a 16:9 monitor, with the rest of the 32:9 background(the 3D game world) still visible? Imagine a 16:9 UI overlaying a 32:9 game image that extends beyond the edges of the UI.
RE: Client 2022.6.0 Features
Please make the Steam notification an optional feature, please. I do not liike Steam to show me as playing all day when I'm simply sitting in Aeolus. Thanks.
RE: Kyro's lobby broken now
The two columns, one for each team is the most useful. Why can't the regular FAF client add this column feature? It is incredibly useful because it breaks the two teams down into two clearly, visible sides, instead of interlacing the 1's and 2s in a single column.
Kyro's lobby broken now
Latest update broke kyro's lobby. Half the time it blocks the ability to see players and select the x box -- chat fills the whole screen.
Please fix.
Impossible to host lobbies now without columns. I require columns to be able to see teams.