That title scared me.
Thank you for all the work.
On the question; I will defer to those with more knowledge on this issue.
That title scared me.
Thank you for all the work.
On the question; I will defer to those with more knowledge on this issue.
Around 36 minutes into the game, I (dark blue) teleport 3 SCU's to the bottom right of the ocean. Bright green does the same, then he gives me his three SCUs he just ported. But once in my control... the upgrades are lost and I can't port them further.
They were originally build as engineering preset.
Never had an issue with disappearing SCU upgrades upon gifting before. New bug?
@jip said in Delay between unit contruction for air factories..?:
There has been a change to this, but as far as I am aware air factories were not affected.
I noted the delay too. Used to be able to spam a solid line of Torp Bombers from my build. Now they are spread apart way more and I am way way more mass when using the same amount of BP on the factory.
@fichom said in Delay between unit contruction for air factories..?:
What worries me though, is the delay between a factory finishing it's upgrade and starting working on new units. I sometimes feel like it somehow gets stuck, and you have to wait for an extended period of time before it starts making units from the queue. And sometimes, though rarely, and I'm not 100% but pretty sure, if you queue a unit in that post-upgrade blackout, the unit gets immediately de-queued and you have to press for it again (assuming the queue after the upgrade was empty).
Only with units in queue. Not when the upgrade finishes and you THEN order the first unit.
Yeah, don't use full screen, use windowed mode. There is supposedly a mod that removes the top bar of the window too.
If you have two identical resultion monitors, you can 'split' the view and just stretch the monitor across two screens.
I have used fullscreen dual monitor, with the actual set-up in the game for a while, but it's just not stable making you loose all epic long-lasting games because the stuff freezes. I now just use one 30" 2560x1600 monitor with the game in windowed mode.
The other monitors have my discord, FAF client, Outlook... anything really.
Vet already got nerfed long ago. It also got based on mass value killed instead of # of units killed.
You can see what the max hp of enemy unit is and you can see what it kills.
@ftxcommando said in Ban less and more:
Great, problem is as Gieb said the moderation manpower is two sticks and a rock.
So what does your good intention policy intended to guess whether people are actually upset lead to? Dudes combing through replays to find something to ban people they already have a problem with due to other circumstances. Is that more or less toxic than the current situation?
I just noticed my 170 benchscore equals the 171 i5-8250U one... but where my PC took 98 seconds, he i5-8250U took almost double with 171 seconds.
UPC? You on coax internet? That stuff is known for inconsistent ping.
Veterancy also fails on the HARMS. Even with 5 stars it still shows only 11000 + 0/s
@rowey said in Upcoming developers patch:
@nooby Part 1/2 for the new CPU Benchmark is already in progress. in the last game update in your prefs file it has been gathering data on how well the cpu performance and once enough data is gathered this will replace the current cpu benchmark to give a more realised cpu score. the more you play the more the result will be realistic and the cpu benchmark button will be removed as it is done automatically.
Nice. But how will it work exactly? I tend to keep some Youtube (example) on the side as long as MY simspeed is >0. So you might see it going down toward 0 very fast, but when the game drags on... I kill any background use and still remain >0.
@jip said in Upcoming developers patch:
We can work on an option to eject laggers, but what do you define as someone 'lagging'? Internet lag, or a slow computer?
Both, but the most common is the simlag. Laptops with insane Turboboost that produce a very nice bench score and then 20 minutes in the simspeed completely crashes and they are easily 4 simspeeds below me while I have 50 pts higher (=worse) cpu benchscore. Or software-streamers that enable the stream after the bench.
Even if you (team)kill them you are still dependent on them leaving the game. Once someone is below zero and also below others it should become possible to initiate a kickvote. For all I care it only requires 1 player in the same team. But make it a lobby setting so all these people who are emotionally attached to playing with lag can continue to do so... but not in my game.
Especially dead players that didn't leave the game and drag down the simspeed are a pain the ass. Those should be instantly auto-ejected for all I care.
Less common are the assholes that need 5 minutes at 800 ping to figure out that they need to kill the Steam downloads. Any other game would have already ejected them.
@teralitha said in Is It Me, Or Has T3 Artillery Become OP:
@jcvjcvjcvjcv Yeah whats really happening there, is that your arty is out of range. Thats why you cant target the structures. You imagine the T3 arty has unlimited range, but it really doesnt have that much range.
That recall option is a load of cr@p, especially because we still don't have a similar option to eject laggers.
I have won plenty of games where the rest of the team thought it impossible.
@teralitha said in Is It Me, Or Has T3 Artillery Become OP:
@jcvjcvjcvjcv Speaking of which, it seems that you cant manually target structures with your t3 arty, only units... Is that how it is for everyone, or was I experiencing a bug.
I always use ground attack, that fixes all the sh*t with canceled ordered and attacks canceled when units given etc. I want to kill the reclaim too anyway.
@jip said in Shift-loading units into transports:
We could create a new command to make loading of transports easier, would there be interest for that?
Anything that improves transport behavior and predictability would be awesome.
@pearl12 said in Is It Me, Or Has T3 Artillery Become OP:
@Nex, yes, the attacker always wins. Otherwise FAF would be a turtlefest—there would be no point in attacking. People would just shield creep. Which would be quite funny, I'd love to see a map covered in shields, but probably only funny watching it when someone else does it, and only the first time.
Shield creep is already done sometimes.
@zlo said in Is It Me, Or Has T3 Artillery Become OP:
or maybe put it this way: would couple of t4 bots supported by antiair and shields be worse than t3 static arty in that game?
or maybe 33 strats going for your ACU?
(Cybran) T3 arty works wonders vs massed land army.
@maudlin27 said in Is It Me, Or Has T3 Artillery Become OP:
As far as I'm aware T3 arti haven't been changed since I've been playing (coming up to 2 years now I think), but I can't speak to before that.
Shields were changed, especially interactions between them.