@arran i dont have much time currently and not really intrested in deep research of other units unless i'll see some really bad stats like vulthoo buildtime, i am not a balance team member after all
(coding veto system rn)
@arran i dont have much time currently and not really intrested in deep research of other units unless i'll see some really bad stats like vulthoo buildtime, i am not a balance team member after all
(coding veto system rn)
I should probably also mention that for "T2.5" gunship, Vulthoo doesnt have currently anything really what you should build to start to spam them other than some mass.
I mean, you need to build t3 hq & t3 pgen first to spam broadswords, probably, so this is additional argument to make E cost more.
Additional t2 pgen will be as "0.5tech" which justifies all the stats
Previously (in discord), i made topic about Vulthoo buildtime (bt should be reduced). In the process i went deeper into vulthoo stats and discovered that they are far from perfect.
So i decided to really understand what is going on here and what Vulthoo stats should be if we want it to be "T2.5" gunship, using math & logic to get the values. (I dont really want to do this already but i promised to Rhaelya so rip me )
Key points:
I assume that Vulthoo should be T2.5 gunship in all the stats (assuming mass cost is constant 500)
T2.5 gunship here is the gunship between Stinger and Broadword.
Why Broadswoard? It has no other abilities (Wailer's stealth, Restorer's AA), as well as Vulthoo
Why Stinger? Its the only t2 gunship which shoots as Vulthoo (no aoe, no alpha-shot)
I will mention some other gunships still tho
I will split the post into several chapters to make the brain load less. Each chapter will have some thought about some particular param and what it should be.
Prologue, speed & range
The data:
As you see, currently vulthoo is slower than needed and has more range than needed.
Someone will say "but stinger is the fastest t2 gunship"
Ok, Specter & Renegade have 12 speed, lets calculate "average t2 gunship speed" then: (12 + 12 + 13.5) / 3 = 12.5.
Even with this approach, T2.5 will be (12.5 + 10) / 2 = 11.25
About range, Renegade has the same range as stinger, only specter has 20, which will lead to 23.16 range
Interlude, about raw power
As soon as i will suggest any change, some people will appear to claim that "but concentraded power!"; Fair enough
To key points here:
So, lets define raw_power as the amount of damage the group of N gunships can do before some ideal target with infinite HP and some single-target AA kill them. And N can be calculated for each resource (mass, energy, buildpower) individually (how many gunships i can build for 5k mass / 50k energy / 50k buildtime, etc)
The formula is:
If we want to see only "real" game values (because we cannot send 3.41 gunships, we can send only 3), we can just floor the values:
For any people wondering why this formula is like this, i will just show this screen and i think this is enough.
Formula is correct according to tests, if you have any doubts free to write below
Chapter 1, DPS and HP per mass
The data:
Raw power, under 3000 mass (left is smoothed, right is "real"):
Raw power, under 20000 mass:
As you see, currently Vulthoo has lower hp/dps values compared to what it should be. In addition to that, it also has lower raw_power per mass (even if you count "concentrated power" effect, its worse)
Yes, in current game balance t2 gunships have better raw_power per mass than t3 at the cost of being bad vs flaks and buildtime difference (about that-later).
Lets try to fix dps/mass according to the table:
dps: 100 -> 111
hp: 1800 -> 1911
The data:
As you see, now it looks more what is should be. On large scale it performs as t2.5 indeed. Under 1500 mass (3 gunships) spended it is very close to stinger by raw strength due to "high mass concentration" factor, and after that cloud of stingers starts to be stronger.
I believe these are right numbers to be. If you worried about "but i will be sniped before even build first flak, i understand your concern, but dont worry, we can balance this with e cost for example. Vulthoo is still much worse vs flaks than broadsword and it should be used on t3 because sera has no alternatives, so being too weak just is a bad idea.
dps: 100 -> 111
hp: 1800 -> 1911
Chapter 2, buildtime
The data, [current vulthoo]
From the data, we can see two things:
I will draw suggested charts for current Vulthoo and for new Vulthoo. New Vulthoo will have all the stats i suggested above so we need to account for them while suggesting other stats.
What builtime current Vulthoo should have? That is a really tricky question!
Here is the plot, "how much builtime vulthoo should have to be T2.5 in raw_power_per_buildtime terms":
As you see, the answer is really depends on what amount of buildtime (BT) you use. (With current stats, no constant value of buildtime will make raw_power_per_buildtime always exactly between Broadsword and Stinger at any point of the game)
The max value (limit to the infinity, very large armies) of the function is ~ 2437.75 buildtime
The min value (limit to 0, tiny armies) is ~ 1347 buildtime
for BT = 3300: 2026
for BT = 10000: 2247
for BT = 30000: 2364
So, the actual value here should be taken from the point (how many BuilTime will be invested into Vulthoo in the average game)
I think it is not more than 30-50k, so 2364-2400 should be good enough for current Vulthoo.
Here are the charts for raw power with 2370 buildtime vulthoo:
Now, lets go to more instesting part and check out or new Vulthoo (111dps, 1911hp):
The same situation with buildtime, it depends:
But here values are starts from 1587.370786 and going to 2646
T2.5 BT for 30k Buildpower invested is ~ 2575
T2.5 BT for 50k Buildpower invested is ~ 2600
Excel table suggested value which has no idea about "concentrated mass" is 2630, which is still in range
Ok, lets check out 2600:
Looks good
new Vulthoo:
dps -> 111
hp -> 1911
buildtime -> 2600
Buildtime can be a bit more if you wanna balance it for ultra-late-game, but nothing more than 2646 make any sense.
Can also be a lot less if you wanna balance it for more early game usage instead.
Chapter 3, energy cost
The data, [current vulthoo]
Intresting! Finally, green numbers!
Now let me explain what is going on here:
Since this whole topic is about making T2.5 gunship, i assume 4) as right point
T2.5 gunship should cost more energy than current Vulthoo costs
for current Vulthoo, its about 11200e.
But we're talking here not about current fraud t2.5, we're talking about real T2.5
So, what energy cost should have new Vulthoo with stats:
Its about 12200e (22% more than current) to be balanced for imaginary "T2.5 pgen".
If you want to balance for T3, its 13200
If you want to balance for T2, its 10700
These numbers are all from only dps and hp / energy stats, what about raw_power?
[current Vulthoo picture]
Here are 3 charts. Basically, all what adjusting does is shifts broadword ratio to stinger and vulthoo. adjusted_energy_for_t2 makes discount for broadsword cuz t3 energy is cheaper per mass.
Adjusted_energy_for_t2.5 makes also discount for vulthoo & stinger, imagining they are builded on t2.5 pgen (trying to balance both for t2 and t3 at the same time).
As you see, currently vulthoo is indeed considered t2 gunship from energy POV. It has not enough E cost to be t2.5, which can be partially responsible for its current horrible stats.
[new Vulthoo picture]
Yep. Now, spamming Vulthoo at t2 pgens will not give you more raw_power / [adjusted_energy] than spamming broadsword on t3, but using t3 pgens you still will have more, as it should be for t2.5 gunship.
e cost: 10000 -> 12200
Current Vulthoo is not even near t2.5 gunship level.
Right T2.5 gunships stats are:
Speed -> 11.75 (Or 11.25/11.5, see prologue)
Range -> 23.5 (Or 23.16/23.33, see prologue)
Hp -> 1911 (chapter 1)
Dps -> 111 (chapter 1)
Buildtime -> 2600 (or from 1587 to 2646, see chapter 2)
E cost -> 12200 (chapter 3) (also see post below)
These are correct stats for T2.5 500mass gunship
From all the above only E cost is somewhat arguable, because the result is really depends on "do i adjust for t2/t3 pgens factor and if yes, how?". (Depending on how you adjust for unit tier, i got up to ~15300 e cost as middle one)
Make hp/dps/speed less and now its not t2.5 really but some strange abomination.
@thomashiatt tbh yes
I dont understand why we have daroza but dont have 5x5 then
If we really wanna do a bit of "diversity" in map playstyles, 5x5 shouldn't be an exception
Why we again have high-reclaim maps in the 1v1 mappool? Bermuda, daroza, etc
Everything was so good when we had "consistent" mappool with ok maps without extreme differences in amount of reclaim, why it was changed back? :C
Now the pool is nice, thanks everyone, keep it like that for the whole year B)
I was very excided about "New 1v1 Ladder Map Selections", where was said about the intention of matchmaker team to eliminate very small or large maps and extremely high reclaim maps, and focus on more consistent ladder experience
I was thinking about "no 5x5 (sad), no 20x20 (good), more 10x10 (15x15, maybe?) open palm-ish (gold standard for me) type of maps, no reclaim mountains etc
And now i am extremely disappointed
They indeed removed 5x5 for 1200+ (sad, but doable)
But now from 8 maps i got 3 20x20, so if press a btn i got large map in 37.5% cases
More over, i have no idea how Bermuda Locket (20x20 map with reclaim mountains) can be in the pool where supposed to not be large maps and maps with reclaim mountains
Crossfire canal also, it is again large map, and you can say anything, but you cannot say about any "consistency" in ladder gameplay when this map in a pool. The land paths to enemy bases are non-existing there, so you cannot push with land spam directly, which is maybe fine alone, but not with the fact that navy also fights in thin water tunnels. The crossfire canal gameplay differs from average ladder map very drastically. And this is only the cherry on the cake, it shouldnt be there just because its 20x20.
I cannot say anything bad about point of reach except its size tho (yes, direct land push is impossible, but atleast navy gameplay is "as always"). As with all 20x20, the game length there can be very different than 10x10. Cannot see any sense being 20x20 in a pool where is no 5x5 for "game length should be consistent" reason.
Additional feedback data:
Im 1600 1v1 ladder
here is the tier-list of current mappool:
as you see, the pool overall is not so bad
Bad is the fact that i got 100% of S-tier maps and 62% of A-tier maps deleted just because im in 1200+ bracket
With 37.5% of 20x20 maps in my pool i surelly will press the btn less, will probably just switch to 3v3 where you have no 20x20 in the pool at all (also the pool full of neroxis is very tasty) (lol, why we have 20x20 in 1v1 and dont have it in 3v3)
You gain rating, you get more of shitty maps, i think this is not how it should be working
Veto system would be help, if i could atleast ban bermuda and crossfire it would be good enough (except the map pool of only 6 maps is kinda small). Also in this case you can add couple of 5x5, so 20x20 lovers ban 5x5, and 5x5 lovers ban 20x20, everyone is happy
Without veto system, i think the max map size should be capped at 15x15, otherwise i doubt about any consistency in game length / gameplay.
the link to make ur tier list: https://tiermaker.com/create/faf-1v1-ladder-mappool-0923-16127913
I think its a good idea to increase buildpower and slightly buff shield regen
However, buffing vision / baseHP / agility is too strong, i think
Its already good and annoying kiter, there is no reason to buff its abilities even further
@sheikah attackers also can have bonuses from it
for now the attacking player have a longer delay in supply (his factories is far away), so it's quite hard to hold captured territory
but if for example t2 com can pretty fast repair all damaged units it will be easier to hold this territory and then attack once again
also attacker's units might already have veterancy so when they will be full hp - they will be stronger than equal enemy army, that's really intresting
Overall, nothing changes: do not fight the battle you cannot win
But a win in battle will be more rewarding (because your survived army will be stronger than before, after repair)
They are very useful. In the aeon company mission one
ctrl + k variant and then rebuild new unit is not working for regular units, if the factory is far away
i like the idea of reducing repair cost mostly because it make vet system more viable too
imagine have t2 com and repair damaged ilshavohs to gain them chance to get few vets more, for example
regen aura is strong but you have no way of focus it effect on the most damaged unit, repair can be good addition to it
sounds intresting for me, repair feature is used too rare in the game, would be nice if it will gain some buffs
Question 1:
I pretty like all the types of random maps, there is no such which i dislike. We love neroxis for randomness, it won't be cool if one of the map types will have much more chance than other
Question 2:
All was fine. I had maps with a really lot of reclaim, have maps with some reclaim and maps where's no reclaim at all. All is ok for me
Question 3:
I played a bit worse, but mostly because innactive and my tries to change game style.
And because there was really a lot of 20x20. And i am suck on 20x20, so my rating is droped a bit
Question 4:
5x5 are fun and quick
10x10 are the best, balance of quickness and gameplay variety
20x20 are the worst, really long games, takes a lot of time and effort, while victory is the same as for 5x5
really want to different queue for them or something like that
i sometimes have no mental strength to play it and don't go ladder because of it
Question 5:
i personally love neroxis more than static maps, so i dont care if we deleted current map pool and place neroxis instead, forever. But me is me, 1 neroxis week in each month will be better than 1 neroxis month and then no neroxis for no-one-knows-how-much-time
want it as regular event
Question 6:
i really dont love orange and red maps, it hurts my eyes a bit
white and green are the best, nice and clean
other is ok
Also, can i know, when the next neroxis ladder event will happen? Can't wait for it
all neroxis maps are good but still 33% of 20x20 is too much
imagine to play almost an hour and then lose it
1 hour of time, and for what?
5x5 and 10x10 value your time much more than 20x20, that's why i dont love what we have for now
pls make 20x20 less likely :C
too much time for too small amount of games
@archsimkat one bad (at least, for me) moment: since we have three maps in map pool, we have 33% of 20x20
At regular map pool that chance is much less
For now every third map is 20x20, and because its scale it takes much more time to play
(5x5 ends in 10 mins, 10x10 in 20mins, 20x20... 30-40 mins)
So we are playing 20x20 most of the time, that's unfortunate
@zeldafanboy said in Epic 0 damage Jesters:
Why do Jesters have AOE itβs a beam weapon lol
it's was added to decrease jester shots miss count... ironic
now range of damage will be incresed from 0.15 to 0.4
fast targets (scouts, labs, blazes) still can evade in some conditions, but overall that's ok
@zeldafanboy yes, this is a bug
aoe-damage from units is happens 1 tick after the collision
in this case - collision happens, and in the next tick ACU is no more in the AOE (because the damage area has tiny 0.15 radius in that case, ACU speed is 0.17 per tick, so he's already not in the radius and takes no damage)
we have some reaction from contributors, we can have hope now
@arma473 said in Epic 0 damage Jesters:
From watching the replay: when shots connect, they deal damage appropriately.
No, you're wrong here
Shots are connected and still do 0 damage
@rowey said in Epic 0 damage Jesters:
Make a issuse on the fa repo on github
Ok, i'll make one
Got a game with my friend and had this ridiculous bug
2-3 Jesters shooting sera ACU for about 10-20 seconds and clearly have intervals when their shots make no damage at all
Where should i write to to have hope that this is gonna be fixed?