After messing around a bit more, I still can't seem to get rid of the issue where the game will jitter/get stuck on a frame for a bit (but noticably) longer than all the other frames. In other words, the game mostly flows at the right frame rate, with quasi regular frame lag every couple of seconds or so. Any suggestions? Thanks!
RE: Linux Support
RE: 2021 Summer Invitational Qualifier
misjudged the time zone, I can't play as I'll be travelling
RE: beating a dead horse - Area Commands
Not to mention that 'important' mass reclaim is often hidden/mixed in with other almost/virtually useless props, so I'm not sure it would actually be on the same level as manual reclaim. If you're not sure why you aren't winning try reaching out to coaches.
RE: 1v1 MapGen Tournament
@darkym I have global rating of 1634, plz keep me in the upper bracket
RE: Capture the Castle 3vs1 mini tournament
@NoundedElkWoob Putin winning Putin's money? reminds me of xD
RE: Where is ma boi sheeo
@Scoot I'd like to keep this thread mostly just about Sheeo's presence as head of our community.
Though, I do agree a discussion about finance's might be a bit over due as well... feel free to make your own thread. Or maybe someone on the council could take the initiative.
@Reckless_Charger lol, you really hold up to your name, eh?
RE: Where is ma boi sheeo
@FtXCommando I'm not sure what duties you are exactly referring to, since I was just mentioning ways Sheeo could have a better community presence. I for one am interested in some of the legal concerns of FAF and I know many others are as well based on the thread aiming to register FAF in Germany or something from last year. Furthermore, I have absolutely no idea what the frik is going on in terms of financials, despite being curious and despite believing its something important, so I disagree with:
I mean if you want whatβs βgoing onβ I think everything critical is generally covered already
after all its common practice to share some financial information with the public, and even more so to have audits; I think these are both things that could and should be considered. Again, I'm not accusing or even suspicious of the council... I just think blank checks aren't ideal.
@biass thanks for the response, this post wasn't aimed at "the councilors" but specifically at Sheeo, regardless I do appreciate your updates and I think I'm not alone. If anything, I think you (and FTX) are some of the best councilors in many ways, what with organizing tournies and being at the forefront of many community events.
@Sheeo I had another idea, there could be a "meet your councilors" page, and just a short description of who your are/what you do + some photo you like would be a low effort but great way to boost presence already.
RE: The Last Thread about RAS SACU Balance
Just make RAS bois produce only power and like 1 mass per tick, ez.
RE: Where is ma boi sheeo
@Khada_Jhin I get that he's alive and in theory reachable, was just wondering why we don't hear from him more.
@Sheeo WOW, thanks for the replay
well if you look at leaders from other communities they usually have some recognizability or presence on the scene. But I reckon a lot of people (esp new players) have no clue who you are, I only know you exist since I read through old forums... but who does that xD
To actually answer your question: you could give community updates, a bit like what moonbearonmeth did but shorter and more professional perhaps. Share some meeting minutes, or in general just play the game so people can see you. Or just have some more transparency in what's happening at the council of setons, currently it feels like some shadow government at best and at worst a potential parasite. Could be just because not a lot goes on, so there isn't a lot to share; but regardless there's a disconnect between people running the show and the game itself, which doesn't allow for a healthy feedback loop to exist.
I'm not complaining about the job you're doing, since I think FAF is more or less heading in a good direction, I just wanted to see if the person leading this whole escapade still cares about it. I'm NOT accusing you or anything, its just that its very difficult to even begin to form an opinion about you, and conversely to squash speculation. Maybe that's why you choose to remain in the background, to ensure you stay out of drama. But I think that a leader shouldn't do that. Again, I'm happy with the overall progression of FAF and therefore I guess I should be grateful for your work, but I'm not sure about anything that you actually do...
Maybe I'm in the minority with this opinion, or maybe you agree but either way thanks for the reply and have a nice week.
Where is ma boi sheeo
I like seeing all these new positive developments that are going on around FAF, but I have yet to see ANY announcement or even indication of life from sheeo, who I understand is currently running this whole thing? Isn't that a bit weird... shouldn't the chairman at least show some signs of life to the community that they are running? I'm not for or agaisnt sheeo, I'm just curious
what about you?
RE: Some good news about Team Matchmaking (TMM)
will there still be a "global rating" outside of TMM, and if not how can "setons players" or the like keep on playing the maps they like with fair/balanced teams?
RE: Who do you think will qualify in the next qualifier
depends how you spend it, e.g. donate to FAF and you will become mega popular kappa kappa
RE: Map Proposals - Suggest your good map ideas here:
What about a map where you start underwater or on a tiny island, close to your opponents start so somewhere in the middle, but with lots of lad/mexes on the outer edges of the map. kind like in the middle of a lake. Just some general idea, but would be cool to see closer starts next to opponent but then with the option to go away and make your base somewhere else I guess?
RE: PSA: Regarding the forum's sudden change in appearance.
Not sure this is the right place, but if its not too much work/effort it would be cool if the day/night theme would auto change per time of accessing the forums.
RE: Who do you think will qualify in the next qualifier
what if the real qualifiers are the friends we made along the way?