Gotta get creative with the factory attack move

RE: Reclaim in hard-to-reach places
RE: The End of FAF
@thewreck said in The End of FAF:
My main point from the beginning has been that high level players are not toxic to each other nor do they care about when people ctrl k their base yet some still get banned. The moderators have been told this time and time again but they still don't listen even when there are plenty of well known toxic players who are never banned.
This is just foundationally wrong. The only reason we action ctrlk bans is because they get reported by your 2k friends. I've seen numerous times where 2k+s get banned for base ctrlk and start accusing the 'obvious' suspect, get commiserations from their 'friends' who would never report anyone for that offence and it was the 'friend' who reported it. Players rarely ctrlk only because its time for the next game, they're primary motivation (from what i've seen) is because they're tilted the game isn't going the way they want and want to punish their 'bad' teammates.
With regard to toxic players not getting banned, are they being reported? We keep a log of every action taken against a user and gradually increase ban lengths for increased number of offences within a time. I've often seen players all agree to report someone or threaten to report each other and only one player actually actions it. In every case we try and look for how the offence occurs (including whether its provoked by the reporter) and act with consistency.
FAF is fairly lenient in our moderation, we don't trawl through replays, so if we take action against a game it means someone cared about the offence enough to report it. If it were the case that 2ks didn't care then there wouldn't be reports to action.
RE: Personal/Custom Avatars
@noc said in Personal/Custom Avatars:
Then you will forgive me for the fact that 95% of other gaming communities continue to pay Russians even large gaming corporations continue to pay Russians despite sanctions (especially those in Europe) and yet here we are.
A quick look says the opposite with major companies no longer providing prize winnings to Russian residing players.Eg:
All the major esports leagues I researched have banned Russian teams from competing and cancelled any events held in Russia.
The closest we get is Team Spirit which was Russian but is now Serbian based.
This is all ignoring the fact that transferring funds to a Russian bank from our Danish one is nearly impossible due to EU's SWIFT ban on Russian banks. Are we forgetting the pain we had (have?) with not being able to access our account in the past? Do we want a repeat of that happening? Even if its only a small chance of happening its not worth risking.
RE: Personal/Custom Avatars
The issue is there is no oversight. Its not clear who has access to issue avatars and its not logged (anywhere I can see) who issued/uploaded them. It caused problems last year when someone decided to do a purge, created a discussion about who should control issuing of avatars and resulted in nothing happening.
As the espi avatar was related to tournaments it shouldn't be a personal avatar but a tournament one issuable to anyone who has turned down (voluntarily or not) prize winnings. Though it becomes more complicated with Gieb greenlighting it to some degree.
I have no idea about the 'FAF veteran' one because I wasn't even aware it existed, or where/who was responsible for giving it out. But as its not related to tournaments it is by definition only issuable by the mod team.
RE: Suggestion: Recall Timer Reset
The issue stems from the 'canon' use of 'recall' when really it's just a surrender button to stop people ctrlking their base
RE: Can we Pleaassee have 1 v1 random map only queue?
Because weirdly enough its been done and there is feedback:
Not only does it disincentivize mapmakers from creating its not wanted by everyone. The goal needs to be a balance between curated maps and mapgen. Splitting the queue is unlikely to work as has already been pointed out.
RE: My faf PTSD story
The game mode exists as a mod called Decapitation. Don't know whether it ever became ranked though
RE: I am abandoning Aeon
Lets look more realisitcally at our win rates since the last balance patch:
Time to buff cybran and sera, nerf the UEF
RE: Fog of war not working
Do you have AI on your team with omni-vision? Because that is shared to the player.
RE: Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread
@waffelznoob said in Pending Balance Changes Feedback Thread:
I think cybran acu getting nano is a bit odd, just doesnt quite suit it. 20 H/s regen on a base acu is also pretty crazy, for 5km 1v1 especially. Additionally, im pretty sure vet scales multiplicitavely, and the first level adds roughly 50%, meaning just one vet would put it near 30 H/s. Add stealth, and it'll regen 50. This is almost on par with the uef nano, for a lower cost, and added stealth.
These number are not entirely correct (uef vet brings regen 10->15, cyb vet brings regen 15->21, not quite 50%) so im not sure this'll be the case, it's just something im worried about happening. If someone knows more on how vet/base regen scaling works, i'd love to hear
Vet regen increases are flat rates.UEF nano costs 800m, 24k e for 40 regen, which is less then this new cybran nano(1k m , 32k e for 50 regen).
Does feel like the balance team are buffing early-mid game cybran when what is really needed is a treb buff to make it capable of breaking sera mobile shields.
RE: Games Don't End
Gonna need more information.
Replay IDs, logs, mods used etc. -
RE: Overcharge autocast is too random
Auto OC fires every 5s
OC fires at 3.3s
Damage is maximum possible based on the 1:4 e available up to 90% of storage, calculated on hit
Target is based on ACU target priorities.Locking this post until OP justifies the problem in accordance to:
RE: TMM matching
The issue lies with how do you define a bad connection? Do you ban all Russians because they sometimes have poor connections to Australians (or vice versa)? Similarly how do you determine a bad cpu?
TMM is supposed to be the place where you can't be kicked for your flag, you can't be kicked for CPU and you can't be kicked for some arbitrary host made decision.
Using the foe system doesn't work because then people are capable of abusing the system by foeing opponents they don't want to fight because they know they'll lose.
RE: New way of using the League System
Rather then implement new avatars and increase manual overhead with requiring 80+ avatars to be issued every few months. We should be implementing automated issuing of the rank icon when its earned (possibly just leaving the highest earned as selectable).
Also how would the $50 be spread across that many people? -
RE: aeon arty double dmg ?
Spooky database doesn't show damage over time pulses.
RE: Redesign of the Aeon naval factory
My main issue with these factories is that the support ones look unfinished. The 'black metal box' should be armoured.
My idea is to have separation in the plates for the hqs, could have two gaps in the t2 hq, and 3 in the t3.
For the supports extend the plates to cover the end and maybe have a single split in the t3 to make it noticeably different.
RE: Factory models
I actively read the forums and skim most of the discussion in the discord's ~100 channels so for something this big to take me by surprise is something else.
But regardless, we move on and discuss ways we can improve.
So the new HQs are all base FA with the support factories being stripped down. This might work for some of the designs but doesn't for others which have very little to remove to begin with. Is it possible with the new shaders to add parts to increase the distinction (and flare) of the HQs?
RE: Factory models
This thread does not mention anywhere that the factories needed to be redesigned, only retextured. The only place I could find it was an initial idea in modding general which was complaining about the models (nothing about actual plans to change them) and then in the pbr-development (which as I assumed was about shaders development I didn't have any interest or technical skill in)
In addition, the animations on these new factories is by far worse then the old ones. Especially look at the animation for engineers rolling off the cybran t3 air support factory.