Units canceling orders and act on their own??
I Just had a ranked match on dualgap. My units continiued canceling my orders and then acted on their own instead. Is this a cheat or something? I asked ingamechat and the reply was shared units or something. Anyone has an idea what it was? I find this unacceptable.
Sounds like it was a union control game, which is a setting that allows everyone on your team to control your units.
It's a horrible setting that all the dual Gap noobs (1.2k+) started to use because they can't stand when their game doesn't go absolutely perfect meta every time. This setting SHOULD NOT be a ranked condition imo but it for some reason it is but that's a whole different conversation/thread.
I agree it should be unranked as long as there is no proper UI to support the feature (e.g., you have no way of knowing who is controlling your units). Additionally, being forced to use the cheat menu or the console to switch perspectives might not be a problem for players who know their way around the game, but it is not acceptable for newer or casual players.
I agree with Nory here. But making it unranked is the wrong way to go, as i can already tell if that happens it will take 3+ years until it gets a usable UI (or its just forgotten). I think this could happen faster if this was actually brought some attention instead.
But at the same time you could say the player could look at the ingame options... with the filter that excludes values that are set to default its not that hard...
The comparison is funny though that to get a mod ranked which does not impact balance or gameplay is almost impossible but at the same time we have essentially clown settings with no usable UI that are ranked
I think this could happen faster if this was actually brought some attention instead.
Your point is valid, but I philosophically disagree with keeping it ranked as a means to raise awareness of the problem.
I believe SSB2 or some variations of it allow players to change armies by simply clicking on the respective names (at least when cheating is enabled). This is a good feature and perhaps something to consider.