Team Matchmaker beta release NOW AVAILABLE!
In a regular ladder game yesterday, it showed my global rating on the scoreboard (SSB v6), I've never seen that before
Is there a way to initialize trueskill with values other than zero? I understand the system doesn't like it if you go in and just tweak the numbers. It wants to learn from actual matches. But can't you programatically make fake matches in order to generate ratings? For example: if you have 1000 players to add to TMM, have the system "match" them up at random for 2v2s and decide who wins these fake games based on global/ladder rating. Make let's say 10-20 fake games each and use that info to build initial 2v2 ratings. (More fake games should give more accurate initial ratings but less deviation so it will be slower to correct the ratings.) The number of fake games per player might be based on the number of real games they have. If they are close to zero rating anyway or they have fewer than 50 real games in the last year, don't put them into any "fake" games because it's fine for them to start with zero.
If we are going to have more and more ratings systems (3v3, 4v4, seton's, special events, etc.) it would make sense to start most of them with ratings other than zero. Maybe a special event "race to the top" starting at zero makes sense. But for a Seton's rating, you could invent the fake matches with data from actual ranked seton's 4v4 games from each player's history.
@Askaholic said in Team Matchmaker beta release NOW AVAILABLE!:
Your 2v2 rating will be initialized based on your global rating (trueskill mean remains the same but deviation is increased) so it's likely that you will match with people who have similar global rating as you.
You can initialize the rating as whatever you want. It is just a number in a database. The system does not have any likes or dislikes since it is just some lines of code on a computer and not a sentient being.
I wanna broach the fullshare topic... I love it personally. Feels just right that way.
what's the frequency of the pool change?
It won't be changing during the beta.
I am able to launch replays while I am in the TMM queue. Is that a mistake? Can I be chosen for a game while the replay is open? What happens if I am picked for a team while the replay is open?
@arma473 Good question. We'll probably have to disable that. We've made a note of it.
@arma473 @Askaholic Currently it appears the players get stuck in "setting up automatch" while the other player stays in the replay.
I was ejected from a custom game because the game launched and they did not allow observers. It said I can't queue because it thought I was in a match.
I also had a couple of issues when leaving custom games early and then trying to queue. It tells me I am still ingame. Refafing fixes that but in combination with the tmm ui not loading 1/2 of the time this problem is annoying.
Also soloqueue also displays global rating ingame. I think a couple of people were more afraid of me than they had to be
Also the rating dependent map selection seems to be working a bit weird. I suppose it works by the shown 2v2 rating (ยต-3*sigma). For instance I got canis multiple times despite being very far from 1800 rated. Also avrg of all players was far from 1800. Now the question is did I understand smth wrong, did Brutus get a wrong list or maybe made a mistake when entering the maps into the system or is there an error in the code?
But so far it has been a nice experience.
surely not,take a refaf it will get back i suppose
I really don't understand why people keep complaining about the Timers, given how many players are searching at the same time the 3 minute intervals are very reasonable, you don't want to match players as soon as a match that's game quality is good enough because then you may end up in a situation where you could have gotten 2 2v2 matches if you waited and instead you match teams ASAP and get only 1 match that is less balanced (other two teams that joined queue later are too far apart from each other but they could match with 1 of teams that got matched together). The only problem is the amount of players that are searching and it should be fixed with full release.
if you are replying to me, i wasnt complaining. i was saying that my favourite thing is the timer + queue count
however after that I realised/wondered if it includes the Unmatchable queue count which seems like a bad idea. why show me a full queue when i cant match with them? (if that is the case)
that is the case I think
IMO it should be like the old ui, where you could see the rating of people who are currently searching.
@nine2 Sometimes one of the queues doesn't show up when you launch the client. (Sometimes it's 1v1, other times it's TMM. Maybe it's even possible to have both queues not show up.) If that happens, close it and refaf.
@archsimkat That has benefits and drawbacks. At the highest levels, you would basically know by name who was even searching, which would allow people to game the system.
Or a person could see if the other person searching is 1300 or 900 or -200, and that might affect their decision of whether to search.
Btw, the bug with the queues happens more the longer you wait to switch to the play tab after starting the client. So switching immediately or even setting the start tab to it should help until we release the next version that has the bug fixed.