Remove black soot

After a nuke or shells impact the ground they leave a black spot.
These stack over time and reduce performance.

Is there a mod which prevents these spots from forming at all or, alterntively, removes them after a set time?

If not, can anyone point me in the right direction to make such a mod?
I'd be looking for a file and/of function that handles these impacts effects.

I think what you mean are the Decal Textures of an Weapon Impact.
Such as the Impact Crater Texture of an Nuke in this Case.
Decals have an Duration Variable which can be set inside of the CreateDecal Function.
If the Duration is set to 0 the Decal Texture doesn't Show Up.

--- Creates a decal with supplied parameters. The decal is visible only to armies allied to `army`.
---@param position Vector
---@param heading number
---@param textureName1 FileName
---@param textureName2 FileName
---@param type DecalType
---@param sizeX number size on x axis in game units
---@param sizeZ number size on y axis in game units
---@param lodParam number distance in game units before the decals disappear
---@param duration number lifetime of the decal in seconds, 0 for infinite
---@param army Army
---@param fidelity? number
---@return moho.CDecalHandle

function CreateDecal(position, heading, textureName1, textureName2, type, sizeX, sizeZ, lodParam, duration, army, fidelity)

Alternative the CreateDecal Function of each Weapon Code could be Out commented, which deactivate them fully Ingame. However a Mod which deactivate all Weapon Impact Decals in the Game doesn't exists as far as I know. It is possible in General but complex.

I too would like to desable decals, some of them are very ugly.

@CDRMV where is this createdecal function folder located?

TML is a meme

Its an Lua Function Not an Folder.
The CreateDecal Function is Declared here:

Look at Line 217

For Nukes the Function usually appears inside the script.lua File of the Explosion Entity.
Here is an Example at Line 50 to 52 for the UEF Nuke

To deactivate the Decal on regular Explosions for Artillery or Missile Impacts.
This Lua File could be Interesting for you:

There are several appearences of the CreateDecal and CreateSplat Function here where their Duration should be setted to 0.

If you have Change them to 0 or out commend these two Functions directly by using an --Functionname all Non Nuke Explosions should Not Spawn an Decal Texture anymore. I think this is probably the best Way to do it.

Hope it helps you.
Best regards

@cdrmv thats awsome, very helpful, thank you.

TML is a meme

@cdrmv Perhaps someone can make a mod for this, as making this change is likely to be beyond what most people can do.

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