is FAF causing my internet connection to crash?

Recently, when playing any mode, at some point my internet will disconnect and cause the game to crash entirely. By internet disconnecting, I mean it quite literally says I have no connection under the wifi tab. At no other point does my internet disconnect in this fashion, meaning I have a steady stream of connectivity outside of a forged alliance game.

here are two game logs from the most recent games where my internet disconnected.



to add: the connection reconnects automatically after a few seconds, but the game inevitably crashes. and it is not switching between connections, i have auto-connect off.

I would recommend using a cable for your FAF play sessions, as the game is very prone to malformed/dropped packets when using WLAN, especially when there are more players in your game.

The peer-to-peer connections can spike quite high while playing Supreme Commander, and if the WLAN connection isn't super perfect, then you will run into issues.

Let me add another weird network issue to the list. If I'm in a FAF game and I join a discord voice channel or private call, I lose connection to everyone in the game.

@magge that helps quite a lot actually, thank you!