FAF isn't like it used to be.
Me when people play for fun and not the way I like it
Dm me on discord
Sent this in the wrong thread -
Dood about to get sucked in by the sanctuary lol
Just to later realize that it's gonna be the same shit as in all RTS games. -
No I going to tell him unethical ways of hooking up python to supcom
You won't have to worry about it anymore. The backlash I got the last few days was enough. I deleted FAF as of yesterday. I am tired of the harassment I get both in and out of game
@snoog Nah bro I was playing multiple maps before I left I couldn't stand playing Gap or Astro Anymore it was the same thing over and over again. People harassing me in and out of game was enough I cannot and will not stand for that crap no more
@ITS_TIME_TO_DUEL It's unfortunate that you've had such a bad gaming experience lately. Please report any harassment, so the moderators can take action. Hopefully, you'll give FAF another chance in the future.
You can host your own maps and foe people in the client, which prevents them from joining your game or PMing you.
@magge Do the moderators actually do something? Every time I try to report someone it never gets answered. The reason I stopped playing faf for almost six months was because of this Harassment I got last time
Due to the lack of manpower and the fact that we rely solely on volunteer work, we are unable to resolve every incoming report in a timely manner. However, we are aware of the most toxic players, and we do take action against them.
Unfortunately, we cannot please everyone, but I assure you that the moderator team makes daily efforts to purge the most toxic elements. Please note that we do not discuss the content of reports in public spaces— You have probably overlooked that the most reports from you were already resolved months ago, and you got an answer in the moderations-reports tab in the FAF client.
However, if you have experienced further personal harassment, please feel free to PM me with evidence, and I will investigate.
@magge Mutable markers would have fixed a lot of harassment. Muting in chat settings should also mute markers.
@its_time_to_duel When I get tired of my allies, I play 1v1. No need to explain myself to anybody. Sometimes I even mute my opponent right away and pretend they are a bot without pausing. I also don't care if I lose or win in 1v1, as my loss will not make anyone angry: I just play. It makes my games super comfortable.
@melanol Totally I play the way i wanna play. I have been playing unrated supremacy games cuz thats how i used to play back in the day. Does not matter the map i will always play unrated cuz its no fun dealing with people who just do not care about you all they care about is their wins to losses ratio
@melanol said in FAF isn't like it used to be.:
@magge Mutable markers would have fixed a lot of harassment
At least one person has asked me to make a mod that will mute chat + markers so they can allow their kid to play FAF
There should be a "child safe mode" for FAF that will mute in-game communication and mute client chat
Not much of a point in playing team games if you are going to explicitly prevent all communication to and from your teammates.
@thomashiatt said in FAF isn't like it used to be.:
Angry randos. If they were your team, you would be speaking to them in Discord.
@thomashiatt said in FAF isn't like it used to be.:
Not much of a point in playing team games if you are going to explicitly prevent all communication to and from your teammates.
And that's a great reason why most people would not choose that option.
That doesn't mean no one should have the option.
some peopel just want to enjoy the game without communicating so much. if you want to play higher ranked you need to play harder, this applies to every rank up to 1800+ which is maybe the rank where it boils down to style and day performance. what do you want as 800? being all the time the top ranked palyer and everybody plays worse than you? or being lower ranked and everybody owns you? in good balanced matches your teammates and you can defend nasty strategies of your enemies
I don't know how to say this. I'm laughing so hard right now. [quote]The community has no Originality anymore its the same 4 maps over and over and over again. DualGap, Astro Craters, Seton's Clutch,[/quote]
You have got to be kidding me. You are suggesting you played when the game came out. The stand alone expansion forged alliance? Back in 2007? That's when I started to play. I even got the original game around the same time, just to see for myself the differences.
There was absolutely no doubt that Setons Clutch would be played for the next 20 years every day by a lot of players. The game was made simply for this map. The sandbox feature was added so players could practice their build orders over and over again.
I played a game. This game: https://replay.faforever.com/21842575 With It's time to duel and his friends. Only player as good as me was seraphim com. A great German player.
Free for all. I defeated "steele" to my right. And then I defeated it's time to duel to my left. And then I almost defeated Seraphim-com acu (100hp and my spider died). And then I was defeated.
It's time to duel: You and your friends hosted this map. And I joined. This suggests that not all players play just gap/astro/setons clutch.
But then your friends lost. And then paranoia took over. Or insulted ego's. Because your friends became mean. They insulted the players that joined your game that weren't your friends. And when I suggested he was wrong he and your other friends targeted me for their ego trip. Supposing I had made a secret alliance and I had attacked him just after he was attacked. WRONG! I never did. I said watch the replay and you will see it didn't . But nope. Then your friend kicked me from the lobby telling me I was a cheater. I private messaged you and you repeated what your friend told me. Now you make a thread complaining in general about a general issue that is your own fault. Edit: It appears to me that you made a lobby just to make an issue out of nothing. To what? Convert other players to GAF?
@quantumtyphoon Free for all is where the toxic waste starts spilling out of the barrel, in any game. I almost never join such games
Just played several games of Dota 2 in anonymous mode, and I think it is the best recent invention in gaming: No one knows who you are, no one can message you, all chats are disabled. It made my games so much more comfortable: I don't have to tolerate my "teammates" and they are unable to make me want to ALT+F4.
Also, just ALT-F4ed from a FAF game because of my "teammate"