Ban appeal process

I understand that it is asked a lot from ppl who do this on their own time, but is there an appeal process for bans?

I would at least like to know who banned me and maybe be able to ask for his reasoning behind this.

@wzds You need to contact the Moderation Team via email: [email protected]

While MostLostNoob is definitely correct, for short-term bans and questions regarding moderation you may also contact us by opening a ticket in discord. Should get you a faster response, @wzds .

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Questions about a short-term ban can be different from trying to "appeal" a short-term ban

If the question is "hey dude don't ban me let me back in" that's like an appeal

If the question is "golly, what did I do, why is that not allowed" that's just a question

@mostlostnoob Generally correct, but in this case we (mods) discussed it internally and agreed that a ticket would work best, for basically the same reasons arma wrote out 🙂

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

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