High Rated 2v2 Tournament

i think a rating cap with captain picking system is a little weird

frick snoops!

Why so

upping the sign

ill sign up

I sign up

"Good luck and a safe landing commanders!"

This post is deleted!

sign me up

I'm in.


sign me up please

Sorry for my English. I use translator

sign up

I will sign up for [AFF] Chisato

The embodiment of depression...

I sign up

sign up


📢 Tournament Update: Postponement Notice 📢

Dear Gamers,

Due to an unforeseen circumstance of insufficient sign-ups, i find it necessary to postpone our highly anticipated tournament for one week. I believe this short delay will provide ample time for more gamers to join the fray.Spread the word, and let's make this tournament epic!

New Dates:
Drafting 18.01
Tourney Start 19.01 16:00 UTC.

Thank you for your understanding.


Should tell current participants to like your post to let you know they can play on the new date plus to farm precious forum likes to brag to ftx about

Dislike farms' post so you can see who read it? Gotcha


Sign up

Current participants will stay locked in , if you can’t play on the new date please inform me.

i will hold this against u until my death

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