unhandled exception crash, and also when trying to close the game

@analyzenoob You have a sound bug which you can tell by the SND/XACT warnings. Simple fix steps are:

  • Windows key > type: Control Panel > Open > Sound > Playback > select the Device you use:
  • Configure > Stereo > finish configuration,
  • Properties:
  • Enhancements > Disable all enhancements,
  • Advanced > no higher than 24 bit, 48000 Hz,
  • Spatial Sound > Off,
  • Restart or Shift+Shutdown (not just Shutdown) of PC

If your headphones come with any applet/program, then you may want to disable that & try using the headphones without it. Similarly, if they use a USB or Bluetooth dongle to connect to the PC, see if you can connect directly without the dongle.

See this thread for further troubleshooting: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4084/solutions-for-snd-error-xact-invalid-arg-xact3dapply-failed

Thank you very much for the quick response! I tried making those changes and have not had any unhandled exception crashes in the few games i have tried yet, but am still having the issue where it basically crashes when i try to exit the game. It is just annoying in that I have to keep task manager open on another screen to force it to end the task, but at least the game seems playable now.

@analyzenoob As strange as it sounds (no pun intended), crashing on closing/exiting the game is often associated with a sound bug crash.

Please go to client > top left menu > Show logs folder > logs > sort by Date Modified. From there, post the most recent game_21xxxxxx.log file (should be of the game that just froze/crashed) into here so those that can help have that data to look at.


Based on the link to that other forum post I deleted the game music files. I also changed the sound quality to 16 bit 44.1k hz just incase that would help rather than 48k hz.

I have attached a recent game log.

Unfortunately, another issue that seems to have just popped up now, is that for some reason I am not able to save new templates or make new changes to my hotkeys. I can save a template and then I have it for the rest of that game, but then the next game it is gone again. It seems to be the same for hotkey changes.


@analyzenoob You definitely still have the sound bug. Since you've already followed the steps I provided as well as those in the linked thread, then the only other thing that I can suggest is the you install a 3rd party device/driver like VoiceMeeter or VAC.

To help with any other issue you're having &/or future troubleshooting, Id suggest that you go to FAF client > top left menu > Settings > Forged Alliance Forever > Use FAF Debugger when starting Forged Alliance > check > click "Get the latest version of the debugger". This will write some more details in the game logs.

Configuring speakers to stereo is v important.

Based on the link to that other forum post I deleted the game music files. I also changed the sound quality to 16 bit 44.1k hz just incase that would help rather than 48k hz.

You could have also just used no sound switch.

Unfortunately, another issue that seems to have just popped up now, is that for some reason I am not able to save new templates or make new changes to my hotkeys. I can save a template and then I have it for the rest of that game, but then the next game it is gone again. It seems to be the same for hotkey changes.

Can you check file/folders permissions and check for read only? Are you using Onedrive?

So after all of this, the game suddenly started to crash whenever I try to join or host a lobby. Not sure what exactly caused it. I have attached the log which notes an access violation. Any ideas on how to fix that? I have already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game.


There were assumptions that Citrix may cause crashes of the game. And i see it presents in dlls.

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@analyzenoob As 4z0t/Donnie stated, you'll need to either disable or uninstall the Citrix software as that does indeed interfere with SCFA/FAF.

Thanks! I just uninstalled citrix and now I can play again. It seems weird it kept me from playing even if it wasn't open but simply installed on my pc.