Unassisting one factory with onather shouldn't kill current cue

This should be obvious really. If you have a factory assisting another, and then cancel the assist. It should finish the current item in the cue.

The most annoying example is that if you cause a factory to stop assisting, it will even kill cues from its own build cue, including factory upgrades.

How are you stopping the assist order?

By ctrl-king both of the factories, duh!

Jokes aside, I'm assuming he 'cancels the command' (ctrl+RMB or whatever it is, it's in my muscle memory).


Like @Fichom said. If there's a way to unassist it in a way this doesn't happen, I'd love to know it.

I don't think it is possible to 'soft stop' an assisting factory

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I haven't tested in FAF, but in LOUD, I can just drag the assist order to a non-factory structure like a pgen, mass extractor, etc.. This results in that factory producing units from its own queue & not resuming assisting the other factory afterwards. In fact, you can continue to add units to the queue & just leave the assist order attached to the non-factory structure.

Edit: I just tested in a sandbox & this can also be done if FAF.

@drpatrickstar What exactly are you looking for?

If you want a command that tells a factory to stop assisting, but finish the current build, does 'stop and cancel all factory orders except the current one' not behave how you want it to?
I use that binding quite often, and it's always worked as expected regarding factories assisting factories. (ie, if I have a factory building nothing but T3 engineers, and a second factory assisting it. I can tell the second factory to "stop and cancel all factory orders except the current one", followed by an order to build antiair flak... The second factory will finish building the engineer it was previously building for factory 1's queue, after which it will build the antiair I told it to (although I believe it would build the antiair even without the 'stop and cancel all except' command!).)


Thanks, this works. I can drag the assist order to the factory itself, and the assist order will disappear after the current build order is finished. A bit awkward, but works.


So if I have a factory assisting another one, and I want to upgrade the assisting factory to t2, if I cancel the assist order directly the current order gets cancelled and the buildtime and resources wasted. Unfortunately that command doesn't help.

I made the post after I saw that a half upgraded t2 factory was still assisting a t1 factory, and I didn't want it to spam out t1 units so I unassisted the upgrading factory, and lost half the progress.

@drpatrickstar said in Unassisting one factory with onather shouldn't kill current cue:

So if I have a factory assisting another one, and I want to upgrade the assisting factory to t2, if I cancel the assist order directly the current order gets cancelled and the buildtime and resources wasted. Unfortunately that command doesn't help.

The "stop and cancel all factory orders except the current one" command tells said factory to finish whatever it is currently building, then do what you tell it to.

In the example you gave, the command I mentioned ("stop and cancel all factory orders except the current one") would have the assisting factory complete its current build, so what you descibed : "current order gets cancelled and the buildtime and resources wasted" wouldn't happen. It would, instead, finish its current build (the one it inherited from the factory it was assisting) before starting its T2 upgrade.