I'm mostly surprised by how big of a difference the aeon and cybran frig range adjustments have made to the feel of both. Especially aeon v cybran t1 navy is not only playable now, the range difference actually makes the frig encounter much more asymmetrical than I'd have expected. All around good stuff imo.
I weirdly kind of miss being threatened by aeon destros though. The 10 less range makes playing against them quite a bit easier as, even when they are controlled by a good player, they get less shots of "for free". idk, I just kinda miss their oppressiveness??
While I'd phrase it differently, FTX is imo right in that t2 navy feels more samey now. Playing around with the destro costs does seem like a reasonable approach. This is very much a setoner's opinion though, where t2 navy probably matters the least, so idk how to do that in a balanced way.
Rescaling the shield boat seems to be a success so far in that it's a buff to uef t2 navy. Not sure about the t3 lategame navy, but the one time I got to make a couple uef BS it didn't really feel like anything had changed, besides that you want less mass in shield boats now. Making the uef BS slightly faster was almost certainly a good idea though.