Post #5: RC Tournament Rating calculation method:
To calculate a players RC tournament rating:
The players highest 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 or Global-50 rating is used.
A Jan 6th screenshot is used - with a "1 year history" database.
If the players highest rating, is of a game type - with less than 200 games played...
we proportional blend the players next highest rating to obtain a RC rating.
The next highest rating - will "be weighted" with the number of games needed
to make up a 200 game history.
A "Player" has the below ratings:
1v1 = 1,740 and 257 games,
2v2 = 1,865 and 38 games,
4v4 = 2,206 and 104 games +
Global=2,165 and 1,215 games
This players highest rating is his 4v4 rating of 2,206 with 104 games.
To make up a 200 game average >
we take 96 games of his next highest rating, which is
his Global rating of 2,165 (subtracting 50 pts for global ratings) = 2,115
This players rating is thus calculated as follows:
4v4(2,206 x 104)games + Glb(2,115 x 96)games = 432,464/200 = 2,162 RC Rating.
TD will assign the RC ratings.
Players Ratings used are from this leaderboard screen shot taken on Jan 6th.
Large pink dots are factored ratings, small pink dots are non-factored ratings.