"phantom-style" mapgen maps dont seem to work well in ladder

no clue where to post this so here u go now everyone can enjoy this beauty https://replay.faforever.com/17946187

That is definitely a bug. I will investigate

I rolled back the version so it should be fine while I look into what caused it

It was a bug with not setting the default teams since ladder implicitly assumes it is set to two by default. This has now been fixed, so shouldn't happen again.

Is this intentional? I mean, it's somewhat fine-ish IF you know where you spawn.. But since you'd assume blue spawns in the top left corner it's just a clownfest from the start


Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Please no necroposting.

necrophilia, can't help it, sorry.

Required rating for participation in balance talks when?

Happens to everyone