Still too many people badly disconnecting
@scout_more_often said in Still too many people badly disconnecting:
Hard to believe that after all these years people don't know how to correctly leave a game in progress, forcing many other people to sit looking at a disconnection screen for a long period. Sigh.
Could we put a note in the loading screen (along with the tips that are already there) explaining the correct way to leave a game and warn possibly that repeated bad disconnects may result in a moderator taking action?
Just a thought.Just to be clear all the methods of leaving the game use the exact same code to quit as posted here by Uveso
So there is no more right or wrong way to quit as long as they do it through the game. Most likely it is just genuine connection issues as they are leaving where for some reason not all players got their quit signal.
@nex Not in all game types though I believe...?
@scout_more_often no idea
. I just saw it in 4v4 ladder, but i'd guess it works in all (rated) team games?
@scout_more_often said in Still too many people badly disconnecting:
@nex Not in all game types though I believe...?
No, you can always offer a draw
not in team games, non-ladder..
The draw thing used to only show up in ladder back when we only had 1v1. Maybe it shows up for all auto matches.
@scout_more_often said in Still too many people badly disconnecting:
not in team games, non-ladder..
Hmm okay must have been wrong thought I had drawn in a custom game before but must be misremembering
Draws are in all matchmaking games, thought the rationale was because these games are always rated. Custom games you can just leave.
@ftxcommando oh so you can not draw a rated custom game?
No you can’t.