Hi guys,
There is this strat, where the player on the eco spot gets a Para at under 30min. It's usually a team effort and a legit way to play this map but lately I feel like there is no counter to this.
Since more and more players doing this build it makes the map become quite boring und frankly unwinable for the team with the eco player going for a different build.
I tried with going for a game ender myself finishing at 30min, teleporting SACU's, Building t3 Artillery... none of these attempts gave reliably good results.
I was wondering if someone knows a strat that works to counter this?
On a personal note:
I feel like a t4 structure that is basically an endless money cheat should cost significantly more than the T4 Game Enders. With enough Hives and a comperable investment in Time and resources to a Para, the Para seems a bit too strong.
Before bashing me for being a noob: Yes I am a casual player at 1'000 and play mostly dual gap or 4v4 matchmaking. I love the game but have no time to become a "pro".