Updated Mods for FAF:
AI-Uveso <only for FAF> v112
Author: Uveso
Features: Adds 5 new sub AI's to the game. (Adaptive, Overwhelm, Rush, Experimentals and Easy.)
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3652+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: AI-Uveso-Mod-v112.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/350
Github: https://github.com/Uveso/AI-Uveso
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
AllFactions_FAF_BO_Nomads v4
Author: Uveso
Features: Spawns the ACUs of all factions.
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3708+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: AllFactions_FAF_BO_Nomads_v4.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/351/all-faction-acu-support-for-black-ops-acu-and-nomads-v4
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
BlackOpsFAF-ACUs <only for FAF> v19
Based on original version: BlackOps-ACUs v3.5
Author: Exavier Macbeth, Lt_hawkeye, orangeknight
Features: Adds 4 ACUs to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: BlackOpsFAF-ACUs-v19.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/352
Github: https://github.com/Uveso/BlackOpsFAF-ACUs
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed <only for FAF> v24
Based on original version: BlackOps Unleashed v6
Author: Exavier Macbeth, Lt_hawkeye, orangeknight
Features: Adds 52 buildings and 128 Units and 23 Experimental to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support + real AI platoon builder.
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed-v24.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/353
Github: https://github.com/Uveso/BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits <only for FAF> v21
Based on original version: BlackOps Special Weapons v4
Author: Exavier Macbeth, Lt_hawkeye, orangeknight
Features: Adds 1 buildings and 6 Units and 1 Experimental to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits-v21.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/354
Github: https://github.com/Uveso/BlackOpsFAF-EXUnits
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Experimentals Wars <only gameversion 3652+> v1.87
Based on original version: Experimentals Wars V1.8
Author: asdrubaelvect
Features: Modifies or adds 14 buildings, 25 Units and 7 Experimentals to the game, and veterancy upgrades to all tech 1 land units.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (FAF)1.5.3652+
Not compatible with Mod: XtremeWars!
Downloadlink: ExperimentalWars(3652)-v1.87.rar
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/355/experimentals-wars-1-87-for-gameversion-3652-faf
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Ninja Reclaim Drones <for all gameversions> v18
Author: Uveso
Features: Adds 6 units and 5 buildings to the game.
AI Support: No. - AI is not allowed to build ninja drones.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: NinjaReclaimDrones(AllGameVersions)-V18.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/356/ninja-reclaim-drones-v18-for-all-game-versions
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Nuclear Repulsor Shields <for all gameversions> v23
Based on the idea from the mod: Nuke collide (2007)
Author: Uveso
Features: Adds 12 buildings to the game. And Nukes collide with shields
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: NuclearRepulsorShields(AllGameVersions)-V23.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/357
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Orbital Wars <for all gameversions> v1.37
Based on original version: Orbital Wars 1.01
Author: asdrubaelvect
Features: Adds 16 buildings and 16 Units to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: OrbitalWars(AllGameVersions)-v1.37.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/358/orbital-wars-1-37-for-all-game-versions
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Quantum Resource Generators <for all gameversions> v18
Author: Uveso
Features: Adds 5 buildings to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: QuantumResourceGenerators(AllGameVersions)-V18.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/359
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Smart Tactical Missiles <for all gameversions> v21
Author: Uveso
Features: Modifies 5 buildings in game.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+, Nomads
This mod supports Nomads.
Downloadlink: SmartTacticalMissiles(AllGameVersions)-V21.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/360/smart-tactical-missiles-v21-for-all-game-versions
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Total Mayhem <for all gameversions> v1.37
Based on original version: Total Mayhem v1.21
Author: Burnie222
Features: Adds 52 buildings and 129 Units and 23 Experimental to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: TotalMayhem(AllGameVersions)-v1.37.rar
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/361/total-mayhem-1-37-for-all-game-versions
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
Wyvern Battle Pack <for all gameversions> v5
Based on original version: Wyvern Battle Pack v2
Author: Brandon Potter
Features: Adds 23 buildings and 36 Units and 15 Experimental to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+
Downloadlink: WyvernBattlePack(AllGameVersions)-v5.zip
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/362
Downloadable from Vault: No.
XtremWars <for all gameversions> v1.6
Based on original version: XtremWars 1.0 FAF featured.
Author: asdrubaelvect
Features: Modifies or adds 54 buildings, 113 Units and 25 Experimentals to the game.
AI Support: Full AI Support.
Compatible with Gameversion: (vanilla)1.5.3599, (steam)1.6.6, (FAF)1.5.3652+
Not compatible with Mod: Experimentals Wars!
Downloadlink: XtremWars(AllGameVersions)-v1.6.rar
More info: https://forum.faforever.com/topic/363/
Downloadable from Vault: Yes.
greetings Uveso.
(Last Update: 23.Aug.2023)