Why so gay thing exist?

It is a UEF investment into a tool that can see stuff where radar does not, similar to the Aeon eye thingy and Cybrain soothsayer...
More often you need 3 to 4 to even make a plausible dent into enemy shields (that can be easily assisted to recharge them as well)
The only thing "I" find Novax useful is for killing enemy navy (killing cruzers to clear the way for torps) and killing wondering units/denying advancement. Where i think it fits with what UEF wants to do anyway.
Tho me thinks its is just a tool to provoke enemy to attack rather then having them waiting for you to make a move.
It is cheap but it is also weak, in most games you dont even want to build more then one.

Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...

You don’t use novax to kill shielded targets. You use it to either force shields on exterior eco or slowly tickle it to death.

If it cost as much as a t3 arty it would never be built in any scenario really. It’s decent enough where it is now. Takes like 6-8 minutes for it to pay off once built when factoring in travel time.

@HintHunter 2 "weak" Novaks do the same dps as t3 arty. With 100% accuracy!!! (arty hits ~ 2/10 shots at single unit)
For the same price!!

What u mean weak?

It can do the same job as arty + a lot more!
kill cruisers, single targets, mexes, acu snipe, t4 snipe.

Thats how t3 arty works: 10 shots duke. He can shoot wrong shield, even not into base!
And again: 2 novax costs as 1 t3 arty. 2 novax dps = 1 t3 arty dps.
You have much more for the same price!!

People DO build 3-4-5 Novax and kill even base shields (yes u can assist, micro and all that)

Same price as t3 arty maybe too much. You right. You can suggest another

At present Novax costs 36k mass/44k building.
While colossus: 27.5k/51.5k
Fatboy: 28k/47.5k
Duke: 72k/115k

This price underestimates Novax's effectiveness too much.

really doesn’t tbh

I need to kill 8 t3 mex to get efficient utility out of my novax, that pretty much never happens. Chances are if you are getting boned by a novax the dude using it could have crushed you way quicker with the 40k mass he dumped into a t4 that takes forever to pay off.

@myEmperor there are much scarier things that can be built with that much mass, including nuke launchers.

@Farmsletje said in Why so gay thing exist?:

@myEmperor said in Why so gay thing exist?:

Would our game really be worse without this unit?


Okay, what niche does it fill?

One-word answers do nothing except let us know you value your opinion more than your ability to back it.

Most Expensive Scout in the World

I’m a shitty 1k Global. Any balance or gameplay suggestions should be understood or taken as such.

Project Head and current Owner/Manager of SCTA Project

Most Expensive Scout in the World

Tho that gave me an idea...

Analyze, Adapt, Overcome...

@FtXCommando T4? Do you mean 1.3 colossus? Depends on the map.
On seton (and other huge maps) even 3 colossus < 1 bloody Novax. In the same time t3 arty have not enough range!!

Show me a replay of novax being the deciding factor in a game.

@FtXCommando Nancyboy and IRIS seem to make it work on sentons pretty alright, but they have a very manicured build for it.

If you mean NancyboyK then he's utter trash just like his opponents. So sorry but he won't make a good case of novax being overpowered.
IRIS? No clue, can't find anyone like that. But most likely same story.

@Khada_Jhin I think looking at how a unit is used in an individual game might be more meaningful than saying "This player is trash; therefore, no game they play will ever be used as an example."

I feel similar about Novax than I do about t3 arty:

  • It's annoying to shield everything
  • If my opponent spent that much mass, I should probably have something to counter it

...except Novax costs half as much as t3 arty. IMO that's the annoying/potentially OP part.

If it were the same cost it would just be an accurate T3 arty that looks different/shoots from space instead of the ground. But it costs half as much. So it's... an early, less powerful t3 arty with pinpoint accuracy?

well they aren't good in general, but they are pretty good with their setup. They play setons without fullshare and it trips a lot of people up. Not saying that the Novax is OP, but when you've got one blapping your mexes when half of yours are still t2 then it's pretty annoying.

Just want to clarify that I think that the Novax is fine where it's currently at

Give a replay of them being OP before calling them OP.

Also moved this to the balance forums.

@FtXCommando said in Why so gay thing exist?:

Give a replay of them being OP before calling them OP.


@Pearl12 That's the thing. I watched the games and if your opponent allows you to spend 72k mass in novax without losing air or doing anything significant then it's not the unit problem but the misplays of other players. A nuke would do way more damage and in mere seconds force at least 40k in mass from enemy team just from existing and then draining even more eco as time progresses.

I didn't just say he's trash after seeing his rating, I watched the goddamn games and I can effin say that it's not the unit's fault for others being the perfect examples of why global is bad for the game.

"Its annoying to shield stuff" - Well, I invested 36k mass in tickle machine, you better be inconvenienced a little.This stuff is useless(or was) compared to arty when it comes to breaking bases. And defending against it was always easier from what I can remember.

And ffs it's still 36k mass, just go and do something fucking useful with it like killing your opponent. Instead of bitching about how it's OP cuz he made a weapon while you made t3 mexes or fucking ras lads.

About counterplay, I threw it once to the balance team but dunno if it went anywhere. But smd should be just able to deny novax, either with normal smd missiles or new setup that would allow to balance the missile cost without affecting the sml/smd ratios.

@Cascade Well no fullshare already fucks up the balance a fucking lot. Like way to much to even discuss it, as it stops being proper seton's game.
Abusing people who are fighting the game instead of enemies also should never be part of equation when it comes to balancing the game.

And again, you better be effin annoyed when I spent 36k mass into tickle laser.

To be clear, I'm not saying it's OP, I'm just playing devil's advocate. Because it sure as heck is annoying.

It's 36k mass, not 72k. And it completely wrecked ez's eco. A nuke would not have done way more damage, those mexes are too spread out. The Novax killed every single mex not under a shield, at least 200 mass/sec worth of eco and would have been more if they'd all been t3, a nuke would have killed 4 at most.

The "inconvenience" of making shields is fine on a map like Canis; on a map like Seton's... do you know how long it would take to march engies all around and make all those shields? How much power it would take? And still they would die to Novax, it would just take some extra time. Do you really want this game to be about that kind of minutiae?

I'm speaking about replay of nancy against bartemaus trying to be Yudi.
And please, don't take that game too seriously considering what was said after the game happened. Especially by Mozy.