320€ for 2v2 tournaments! Kings and Veterans get ready!

This post is deleted!

signing up for U3600
Team name: sigma grindset
zwaffelNoob (1792) and hybrid_ (1774), total rating: 3566

frick snoops!

I'd like to join in, but I have no 2nd person. Anyone up for playing with a 1400 ladder person with two active hotkeys in use?

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Signing up for U3600
Team name: Undisputed
Magnetic (1600) and White_Owl (1300)

Signing up

Team Name: Cup of tea and a scone

Freedom [1700]

Crushing noobs and squeezing boobs since 2012

if the team name is not specified, then the nickname of the player with the highest rating will be used for team names

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Signing up with Nexus for O3600
Team name : The Good Guys
Ratings : 2442 (Tagada) + 2392 (Nexus) = 4834

Neytron + MacroNoob u3600
Team "revenge of the fallen" in memory of banani and BlInChIk


This post is deleted!

@jip I see that the neytron is also looking for a teammate

Sorry for my English. I use translator

also signing up for o3600 to claim 1st place
team name: maagden
AutoNoob (1934) and zwaffelNoob (1789), total rating: 3723

frick snoops!

@zwaffelnoob before that you were in a team with hybrid
is it not relevant?

Sorry for my English. I use translator

@pryanichek 1 sign up is for O3600, 1 for U3600

@tagada thanks, I didn't see

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Signing up for o3600
Teamname-Gangsters Of Drury Lane

@pryanichek said in 320€ for 2v2 tournaments! Kings and Veterans get ready!:

@jip I see that the neytron is also looking for a teammate

I'm reserved for Rezy-Noob until he's sure he can make it

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Great mappool btw +.

@haachamachama thanks, I hope it will be interesting)

Sorry for my English. I use translator

Anyone looking for a 1300 global (1200 1v1) partner, PM me.

sign up for O3600
Paralon - 2311
Fremy_Speeddraw - ~2300
"Jop and Joppie"