Mangrove Delta and Frozen Firefight are some of my favorite maps in the TMM map pool. Thanks for making these awesome creations!
My only tiny suggestion of improvement: I find it often hard to read which parts of the map are passable, and which ones aren't (I hate Adaptive Moon for this reason). Frozen Firefight suffers a similar issue with a hill-like looking texture on one of the islands. It can be seen in the top left of this image:
To me, this visually looks like a mountain, particularly when only glossed over from a top-down perspective in the heat of a hectic battle. It doesn't help that the actual mountains on this map have the same color theme as this spot. However, contrary to the visual communication, this area is transversable by units. I think I'm not the only one who is confused, as I observe many players circumventing/avoiding this spot with their raids.
Maybe the communication could be improved by making it a wind-blown snow hill texture instead? Or alternatively, make it a proper mountain.