Proposal: Cybran ACU upgrades

@aulex said in Proposal: Cybran ACU upgrades:

This may be a little sacrilegious to fans of ACU snipes and memelords, but another approach could be to drastically nerf the damage of the ACU laser to like 300-400 DPS and decrease its cost. You can position the cost to be more affordable towards early t3/late t2 stage for 10x10 with reasonable mex/reclaim distribution. I've always been a fan of making ACU secondary weapons more used, e.g. sera double gun, acu tml, etc. (obviously other topics obviously).

Yeah and that would put an end to stupid telemazer garbage which is a mechanic that pretty much only leads to major depression on either side.

@aulex As much as I love a good ol' tele snipe I think I would prefer this. But maybe we could have both? I would love to have an initial laser upgrade with those stats, which can later be upgraded to the standard laser, like how the UEF com has tml and also the billy nuke.

T2/t3 mazer lite sounds like a good idea, kinda like the usefulness of chrono, and will give some use of gun com + mazer. Having full mazer at second teir upgrade should be kept as it has uses outside of tele snipe.

I would be against removing/replacing the acu laser with something weaker and cheaper (but ok with it being split into two upgrades provided it costs the same to get the laser as before cumulatively).

Currently it gives a high risk option for surprise defence and offence with and without cloaking - eg if your opponent has no omni yet and cant maintain spy plane coverage you can surprise them with a cloaked com. It takes slightly longer to get a cloaked ACU than a monkeylord, but offers greater potential upside as you take 0 damage if they don't realise until too late what you've got. For the non-cloaked version if you manage to get it early enough you can also try and get a surprise ACU kill by disabling your attack to hide that you have the laser, baiting their com within range, and then killing it, or going for a risky transport drop.

Overall I'd see it already as better than the billy, in that the billy offers an expensive upgrade that can in some situations do quite a bit of damage (unshielded with minimal tmd), but is easy to counter, and your com is relatively safe. The cybran laser upgrade is far more devastating where it works, but your com is much more likely to die when it doesn't (and even when it does if you're using it for offence instead of defence)

Sorry for necroing this, but if these ideas are too much or if there are no plans on adding another upgrade, would it not be at least viable to swap upgrade positions on laser and torp with t2/t3? The extra regen, health and utility would help.
What is the balance team's thoughts on that?

I'm pretty sure Cybran not being able to have tech and gun at the same time is very much an intentional design decision and would really affect balance.

Also I like having gun and laser on different arms that way I can have more range on telemaser snipes.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Thought it was better to have T2/3 for more hp since 4100 DPS or 4200 dos doesn't really matter

The range increase matters

The laser could just be the next upgrade for the gun. That way you get the range with the laser. Having t2/t3 on the other arm would also make more sense visually since it builds with that arm.


I wouldn't mind completely switching the right and left arms, I mean once they moved RAS off the back of Seraphim commanders upgrades don't really have to make sense anymore. Laser is somehow an arm upgrade even though it shoots from the chest...

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Second upgrade on the gun for emp/shield disrupter would be a welcomed improvement for cybran acu

These upgrades wont be op as the other acus all have health upgrades like shield and regen so the cybran acu will still be very vulnerable at the front with such low health.

TML is a meme