Following the recent discussions about AA, here's few ideas :
1- Slight buff to cybran static AA
Cybran MAA will be slightly better after next buff, but T1 bombers will still be able to drop their load 100% of the time before dying. Maybe one way to offset this without changing the MAA projectile entirely is buffing the static turret : make it easier to produce (see point 2), or with a unique ability that makes it better than other factions, like a built in 50-60 range radar (t1 radar has 115 range, AA has 45 range). That would enforce its role as a base defender.
2- Static AA could have a lower E cost
Here's one replay :
In this situation, if my opponent goes for a bomb on my fac, I have no choice but to build a static turret to scare away the bomber and start producing again. Cybran can also be forced into static AA turret if they want to defend their pgens, becuase of the MAA slow projectiles.
Problem : static AA, while cheap in mass and fast to build is a bit hard on power, and you often want to make them in situation where your power is low, because it's early game or because you're trying to defend against a uef bomber raid on your pgens ..
Solution : make the static AA cheaper in E, like 1500->1000 E for example. For all faction or just for factions with weak pgens/AA (aeon and cybran ?). That way the counterplay doesn't break your eco that much.
It has been mentionned in another post ... But the fact that aeon T1 MAA dies to all bombers in one pass is frustrating. A +10 HP boost would be very welcome, it would allow it to tank 1 sera bomb, and overall better chances against uef/cybran bombs.
Otherwise, small rant, UEF's archer having 305 HP .... Ok uef have a chunky army, but being able to tank 4 acu shot shouldn't be allowed