Supreme Computer Cup

Nice Project, its very intessting

please sign me up!

Sign me up - I'm around 800-850 1v1 rating.
Note I've never done a tournament before (so let me know if I need anything more than being able to type in chat on discord and using the join command FtX has noted), and there's a chance I won't be able to make it on the day and/or for all of the games (depends on family commitments) - since it's an AI tourney I'm assuming it isn't a big deal if I'm a no show or have to drop out.

Looking forward to watching this tourny.
Will likely have the top 3 AI's who win, show and place in this tourny,
be in next years Rainbow Cup IV.

Tournament newbie question - will I need to find and download mods for all of the AI in advance, or would e.g. these automatically download when I join the relevant game?

@maudlin27 You'll need to download the mods from the vault when the tournament starts, I'll be posting instructions on how to do that and detailed instructions on how the tournament will work before the tournament starts.

I'd love to play! some friends of mine have been playing against AI a lot recently and wishing for an AI that doesn't need cheats to be good-this is a good way for me to contribute!

@swkoll how do I sign up?

@rowanmorseyt Anyone who wants to sign up just makes a post in this thread saying that they want to participate and then show up tomorrow on FAF.

Can I sign up if I'm below 0 rank? (currently -140)

@gunner1069 Yep! I've signed you up.

Hm i have to sign out again, didn't notice its clashing with the 2v2 Tourney

Sorry but I also need to withdraw - won't be able to be online later today

i would like to sign up to try to beat some AIs that will most certainly destroy me

@swkoll i cant download some of the mods show as they dont show up in the faf launcher is there another place i can download them from? [mods in question
6.Sorian AI (creator Sorian): Adaptive and 3. Skouby AI (creator Skouby)]

Instructions for the tournament:

  1. Join the #computercup irc channel, you can do this by clicking the "+" in the chat window and typing "#computercup"
  2. Check what group you are in (below), this will determine which maps you play vs which AI. This ensures every AI plays each map a somewhat equal amount of time and players get different maps each game.
  3. Starting at 15:00 UTC, everyone is going to start playing their games vs AI using this chart below from top to bottom. Everyone's first game is vs RNGAI, then AI-Swarm etc.
    alt text
  4. Each AI mod will need to be downloaded from the vault (guide). Some AIs will require AI-Usevo to be active to work (RNGAI, AI-Swarm, Marlo's Sorian AI edit). If AI-Usevo is on please enable "Ai Map Marker Generator": "Autogenerate Always" in settings. (guide) Sorian AI is built into the client and does not require downloading.
  5. Host each game, all games should use default spawns (slot 1 vs slot 2), you can pick whatever faction you would like, AIs should be played on random, except for DilliDalli and Marlo's Sorian AI edit whose faction picks can be found in the chart where Yellow is Seraphim, Green is Aeon, Red is Cybran, and Blue is UEF. (hosting guide)
  6. Play each game and report the result in the #computercup channel (ie won vs Sorian AI)

Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
Group 5:
Group 6:
Group 7:
Group 8:
Group 9:

@iamtheplokokiopo Sorian AI is built into the client and doesn't require downloading, Skouby's AI is actually called SACUAI and the post has been updated to reflect this.

Here's the list of games played:

edit: not all games have the right name - I forgot to edit them in between at times

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned