FAF *on* Steam
Is there a path where FAF could be listed on Steam as a game to help automate install and to adopt the non-FAF Steam community?
given how low Steams guidelines are, is there any other reason other than "it needs development/freetime of us we want to spend elsewhere"? - i mean i understand that the ppl that are able to, need to actually want it - but have you actually looked into it?
I get that it requires to maintain yet another "entity" of launcher, on the other hand, given you already require Steam/GoG linkage, it's pretty much the next logical step to ease the installation and combine the currently split communities, and seems rather simple to do (from the very few i know about it, tbh) - so, why not?, what are the arguments against it? -
FAF does not own the FA game or its IP. We're essentially just hosting maps, mods, different balance changes, and allowing players to create lobbies. That is not a game.