Forged Alliance - hang-up 16min

The game process freezes at 16-20 minutes of the game. FAF itself works in normal mode. Please help me solve the problem. I am attaching the log freezes when I play for Kebran when I start building T1 hivesclient.log.2024-09-16.0.log client.logerror.log

Can you attach a game log as well, please?

I edited the message and added logs... Are these logs correct?

You posted the ICE adapter and client logs, which aren't the game logs. The game logs are titled something like game_23325000.log, where the number is the replay ID. So you need to post the log from the game where the freeze occurred.
If the freeze can be replicated you can start a sandbox game by yourself and cheat in some engineers/hives to get a log.

It can also be useful to enable the FAF debugger in the client settings to get more details about what is crashing.