[Guide] : fake-fullscreen and optimisation

I tried UI-festival but the reclaim overlay was on the wrong monitor and hotbuild preview is also stuck in the middle, straddling the two displays. There seems to be no option for changing this.

@T_R_U_putin You can set in the exe high DPI settings in compatibility, set override high DPI scaling behavior. see if that works

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@reckless_charger try the Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher https://github.com/ageekhere/Definitive-Supreme-Commander-Launcher/releases/tag/version1.03

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

I will do but if it's based on UI-party, that doesn't support the map screen on the left hand monitor (which is my lower refresh, non gaming monitor).

How the Launcher works is when you put the game into windowed mode it will make it full screen and stretch the game over 2 monitors. You can then either use UI-party or just use the home hotkey to make the game use 2 windows.

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher 1.04
Improved dark/light theme uses customtkinter for better dark theme support
Cleaned up interface
upgraded to python 3.12.2
upgraded to AutoHotkeyU32 AutoHotkey_1.1.37.02 (Note upgrading to version 2 would require major changes to the code which can be done at a later date)
Added an update prompt when there is a new update
Added Absolute Annihilation
Added option to minimize all active windows on game launch
Added start supported games in dual screen by default
Improved autohotkey code


Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@thecore FAF and python FAF seem to be mislabeled in this list...

@tatsu I am not following, where is it mislabeled?

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@thecore you have "Downlord's FAF client" that should just be called "Forged Alliance Forever", as per the website that we're currently on that's what it's called and what you get when you download FAF.

then later you have "Forged Alliance Forever" which I assume is the python FAF. it's a bit misleading and confusing to have both and label them the way you did.

@tatsu I see the issue now, when i first made the Launcher the client was still called by the old name. Will update the name and picture of the FAF client.

So it will be called Forged Alliance Forever Client and Forged Alliance Forever will just start the local game from C:\ProgramData\FAForever

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!

@thecore I think it should then be "Forged Alliance Forever" and "Offline Forged Alliance Forever", then.

Definitive Supreme Commander Launcher

New version naming
Updated FAF client image and name
Fixed issue in main.ahk where endGameSearch resize used the wrong search area values
Added version-file for file info (version_info.txt) view exe details
Added auto-py-to-exe splash screen
auto-py-to-exe now uses onefile and all other files are in the content folder
Updated python to 3.12.3

Never Fear, A Geek is Here!