Connection failure like no other

Of all the online games I have ever played, I have never experienced such connectivity failure with other players as I do in this game/on this server. I'm not speaking of myself per se, I am speaking in general, about the state of connectivity amongst players trying to play the game.

It is so draining having to go through multiple connection failures to eventually, hopefully, get a game that will last a meaningful amount of time. Why is this the case with this server? And is it the server, the infrastructure as it were? No doubt some people have bad internet connectivity as it is, for whatever reason, but in 2024, I think the majority of us have good stable connections. Yet we continue to endure such a draining and miserable experience.

I'm sure if all games were counted in our global games, all those that are not counted for being too short (due to loss of connectivity), our game counts would be double/triple, maybe even quadruple what they are.

What's the deal? Will there be a time when connectivity issues become so rare we will almost forget they existed? Or are we to assume that it simply is what it is. A relatively small, niche community that doesn't warrant big investment into finally resolving these issues.

nice, another thread. i love the part when they say "what do you bring to the table to solve the problem"

@yew There is no server. At least not in the ideal scenario
The game runs peer to peer so the players will connect directly to each other. Only when such a connection can not be made (due to ISP shenanigans or other networking issues) a coturn server comes into play that acts as a proxy between the two players that can't make a connection.
These coturn servers have for the past month been the focus of some intense ddos attacks, so connections that have to use the coturns have been pretty bad since then.
People are working on fixes for that and are also trying to improve the network adapter in general to improve connectivity but as people are caught up in IRL stuff that just takes time.

@yew said in Connection failure like no other:

A relatively small, niche community that doesn't warrant big investment into finally resolving these issues.

There's not really an investment to be made, as I understand it.

"Design is an iterative process. The required number of iterations is one more than the number you have currently done. This is true at any point in time."

See all my projects:

Well, it's not like there is a company that guarantees to solve our connection issues for 10.000$. If there were, we would take such an offer for sure. But that's like hiring an engineer for 10-15 days. Barely enough time to understand the existing code and finding the root cause, far away from fixing it.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice