165Hz screen refresh rate with 2k resolution - not working - gray window
Hello, guys.
I have a 32" ASUS TUF Gaming monitor and I was using the 2560 x 1440 resolution in 144Hz (HDMI cable). Then I changed to a Displayport cable and I updated all my games res to 2560 x 1440 165Hz (the monitor supports 244Hz, but my video card - GTX 1660 Ti - only supports 165Hz), except SupCom.
I tried many times to change to 2560 x 1440 165Hz, but despite it appears on my res options, it didn't work. My screen simply goes gray and the game stops running, then I have to use alt + F4 to close it, since not even control + alt + del works...
Does the game give us the real option to use 165 Hz? If so, what could be possible wrong?
Please, help me and thanks in advance.
Can you share your game logs? You can find the folder through the burger menu in the left-top
Sorry, Jip, I'm quite dumb for these system things. I tried to find the logs inside SupCom's folder, but I couldn't. Where can I find 'em?
@sharkcode Please go to client > top left menu > Show logs folder > logs > sort by Date Modified. From there, drag/drop the most recent game_21xxxxxx.log file (should be of the game that just froze/crashed) into here.
@endranii GG WP