What UI mods do you use?

Are any of these mods responsible for those "Player1 sent 10k Energy to Player2" messages, or is that a built-in option?

Supreme Score Board. You can send/ask for mass/energy that way.

Supreme Score Board. You can send/ask for mass/energy that way.

That feature was integrated into the game and also as far I remember broke the mod at the time (it was fixed since then).

Are any of these mods responsible for those "Player1 sent 10k Energy to Player2" messages, or is that a built-in option?

Well, both.


@donsailieri from scoreboard mod .leftclick some scoreboard icon you can send teamate mass or energy.it's a must have mod for teamplay.

Does anyone know where to download the NoShake and Rheclaim mod from? On the old forum the download links don't work(((

@nickname NoShake should be integrated as an option I think.
What does Rheclaim do?

@nickname said in What UI mods do you use?:

Does anyone know where to download the NoShake and Rheclaim mod from? On the old forum the download links don't work(((

I have a copy archived: Rheclaim.zip

It is probably broken and I would advise to just use the new in-game options for reclaim view.

There's also an in-game option to reduce (or increase 🙂 ) the camera shaking

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@deletethis thank you very much, this is just what I need😄