LegendOfTheStars 2020 Substitution Qualifier

You would surrender anyway, so what's the deal?

@speed2 i don't feel like being an accomplished french, if i can't even raise the white flag.

Can we please not have the BO1 ? It takes the fun away.

I do not want an extremely long tournament again and I also want a final that has finalists that aren't sick of playing. The RO16 is the only logical place to trim the fat as it's the most likely area to have stacked games.

@FtXCommando said in LegendOfTheStars 2020 Substitution Qualifier:

keyser (0)
Lu_Xun_17 (0)

The games won't be stacked if your bottom seeds are these two.

i sign up

Hate to waffle back and forth, but if we don’t hit the 16 player max, the initial round can go back to a BO3.

I will sign up just for fun? Such a low list haha

@Eternal said in LegendOfTheStars 2020 Substitution Qualifier:

Signing up

Are you still in the astro tourney?

Signs up are closed.

@FtXCommando I got kicked* 😃
*My team got kicked

thank you for hosting the tournament, it brings back some very good memories !

gogogo keyser !

Legend of the Stars 2020 Substitution Qualifier Tournament
List of All Games Played
November 28, 2020

Round 1

Series 1 - keyser vs MilchRatchet
#13242671 on TAG_Craftious Maximus
#13242847 on Theta Passage - FAF version

Series 2 - FunkOff vs LuXy
#13242687 on Theta Passage
#13242882 on Theta Passage
#13243050 on Theta Passage - FAF version
#13243196 on Cadmium Green

Round 2

Series 3 - darkym vs Morax
#13242802 on Roanoke Abyss
#13243144 on Z-D Rasty Lite
#13243514 on Vya-3 Protectorate

Series 4 - Eternal vs Se7ven
#13242655 on Z-D Rasty Lite
#13242868 on Theta Passage
#13243117 on Regor VI Highlands

Series 5 - harzer99 vs keyser
#13243092 on Regor VI Highlands
#13243276 on Roanoke Abyss

Series 6 - LuXy vs Yudi
#13243427 on The Ganges Chasma
#13243633 on The Ganges Chasma
#13243765 on Point of Reach v4

Round 3 (Semi-Finals)

Series 7 - keyser vs Morax
#13243728 on Regor VI Highlands
#13243848 on Point of Reach v4

Series 8 - Se7ven vs Yudi
#13244023 on serenity desert
#13244321 on Chiron
#13244545 on Cadmium Green

Bronze Match - Morax vs Se7ven
#13245006 on Z-D Rasty Lite
#13245507 on Chiron

Finals - keyser vs Yudi
#13245145 on Regor VI Highlands
#13245369 on Point of Reach v4
#13245632 on Z-D Rasty Lite

Also: here is a search string that you can enter into the Java client to pull up all tournament games (copy it to your clipboard, then in the FAF client, check the box for: display search query, and then paste this into the query input field, and press enter to perform the search directly from the query input field).
