Todays Daily Reminder:
The Players starting position selection process,
when there are more than 3 starting spawn options -
has a minor change this year.
RCIV had Captain's - "!Roll" to decide
which team would set up "last".
But.. there are scenario's where the !Roll winner may,
want to set up first (and get to choose side and color)
So.. This RC gives the !Roll winners the option to -
Set up either - "First or Second".
Below are the Official Directions:
See post #2 in the Forum here:
When there are 3 start spawns:
Captains can pick any side or color.
If they can not agree....
!Roll for the map side or color.
The !Roll winner gets to choose one,
and the loser gets to choose the other.
When there are > 3 start spawns:
Follow this procedure to select team starting positions:
1- !Roll - winner chooses to be either - "Team 1" or "Team 2".
2- Team 1 - chooses side of map, team color, and set's up first.
3- Team 2 - sets up second.
4- Team 1 - can start play "as is", or
---- make a "one time only/permanent" position change.
5- Team 2 - can start play "as is", or
----make a final positional change - "get the last move"
6- Position AI, set factions, and color.
7- Close any open positions
8- Launch Game.