RCVI - Venus Rising ~ 3v3 ~ $1,500
The RCVI Team formation and draft is now over.
Congratulations to all who were drafted!
Those who were not selected in the initial draft, are
now placed in the Standby Pool.
These players are able to stand-in and substitute for ANY players,
who are not able to make one of the tournaments 3 days of play,
no matter their ratings.
The Restricted standby pool players are "only" able to substitute for
players with higher ratings.
Todays Daily Reminder:
The Players starting position selection process,
when there are more than 3 starting spawn options -
has a minor change this year.RCIV had Captain's - "!Roll" to decide
which team would set up "last".But.. there are scenario's where the !Roll winner may,
want to set up first (and get to choose side and color)So.. This RC gives the !Roll winners the option to -
Set up either - "First or Second".Below are the Official Directions:
See post #2 in the Forum here:
When there are 3 start spawns:
Captains can pick any side or color.
If they can not agree....
!Roll for the map side or color.
The !Roll winner gets to choose one,
and the loser gets to choose the other.When there are > 3 start spawns:
Follow this procedure to select team starting positions:
1- !Roll - winner chooses to be either - "Team 1" or "Team 2".
2- Team 1 - chooses side of map, team color, and set's up first.
3- Team 2 - sets up second.
4- Team 1 - can start play "as is", or
---- make a "one time only/permanent" position change.
5- Team 2 - can start play "as is", or
----make a final positional change - "get the last move"
6- Position AI, set factions, and color.
7- Close any open positions
8- Launch Game. -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
я хочу учавствовать
@facuto Извините, но уже поздно регистрироваться.
@xiaomao а можно будет наблюдать за турниром какнибудь?
а можно будет наблюдать за турниром какнибудь?
will it be possible to watch the tournament somehow?Да, это будет на FAF Twitch Live Here:
Yes, it will be on FAF Twitch Live Here:
https://www.twitch.tv/faflive -
Daily Reminder and Tip:
This is a Team color tournament with up to 4 different teams on map.
Please...Be sure to "color up" the sides properly to help distinguish teams.Tip:
There are only 2 rules in this tournament, so...
Make sure to double check Player and AI colors before "X'ing up"
Failure to pick proper colors can allow the other team to
force a re-start.
You don't want to have a great start, and
have the other team get a 2nd chance by "pausing" and
forcing a restart. -
Notice for Team players who will be hosting games:
Please help out the Tournament Directors by -
doing two things in the game lobby.1-"x" the "hide default options "box" in the lobby.
---This is Very Important, as it enables the TD's and players in the game,
---to check the proper AIx cheat and build multipliers for each game.
-----With-out an "x" in this box the pertinent game options will not show in lobby.2:- Hit the "Default Settings" button, so all default settings will be reset,
and only the game specific options will apply -
---Share conditions = Full Share
---AIx Omni Setting = Off
---AIx Cheat and Build multipliers = Set to specified multipliers.FYI--- Lord_Asmodeus (aka-NOC) will be joining some lobbies to help
with game scenario setup's.
Please give him your cooperation, so he is able to expedite the process,
help other team's game lobbies and then join his own teams lobby as well.Thank you, and good luck!
Tournament starts in just 24 Hours!
Last reminders..Tournament starts - March 11th, at 3 PM UTC, for all 8 teams.
There will be (2) Bo3 matches.Please read Post #2: Team Colors, Mods, Options, Directions and Rules above:
here > https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/2and Post #7: Game Map/Scenario example above:
here > https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/7Maps will be released in this forum 1 hour before start, at 2 PM UTC, above:
Post #8: Map Pool
here > https://forum.faforever.com/topic/5400/rainbow-cup-vi-3v3-1-500/8If you would like a team name.. submit any time before or during tourny.
Players will be called to gather in the
FAF Client irc #rainbow chat lobby, which will open a couple hours before start time.Thanks for Participating, Best o'Luck, and
See you all soon! -
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
F Fearghal referenced this topic on
@Fearghal if you ping me in the discord after the stream is over ill try and snag the vod so we have it to do the YouTube videos when someone has the time so we don't lose them
@rowey I was planning on downloading them, for that day when i finally do yt stuff. It would be easier if u did it though since i dont think i have the disk space for it rn XD
Sure i can download them and shoot them to you when ever
@rowey and @SpikeyNoob
Thanks guys, would be great to have them broken up into
individual games and saved on YT.
Can we save to "Favorites" on our Twitch site so..
the entire stream will be saved.
It's nice to hear the "banter" in between games too -
RNGAI released a new version today.
It's just a bug fix, no change to logic.
Be sure to check vault for the most current versions.
Only DilliDalli hasn't been updated in last 2 weeks. -
2 players have dropped out of the tournament.
Players who would like to substitute -
may want to contact the 2 teams who are short a player,
and let them know you are able fill in.Team #7 istill short 1 player
Tournament starts in 30 minutes
Please join the FAF Client irc #rainbow to
gather before start and
to get any last minute instructions.Good luck!
Day 1 is complete, and we are now down to 6 teams.
Thanks to Harzer99, Derp and Endrani for the great entertaining cast.
As always.. the first couple of games get off to slow start, due to rules.
But.. after 1 or 2 games,
and after everyone figures out the tournament specific rules,
the rest of game lobbies get set up quickly.Tomorrow will be 1 match for the winners bracket and
2 matches for the losers bracket teams.Start time will be the same as today's games, at 1500 UTC
Maps for tomorrow's games will be released 1 hour before tournament start,
at 1400 UTCHere are the current Teams and the Bracket:
Good Day Every One.
Daylight savings time was set this morning at 2 am.
(in some countries - we spring ahead an hour in spring time, and
fall back an hour in the fall)Hope everyone has their clocks set right.
Double check your time zones and see you all soon in #rainbow irc room.
Will release todays maps at 1400 UTC and
Tournament will start at 1500 UTC -
Great first 2 days of Tournament action.
We are now at the Semi Finals and Finals stage.
Congratulations to all who made it thru to next weekend, and
a big thanks to those who signed up to compete.
We had a big turnout on FAF/live Twitch and was very entertaining.
Big thanks to Harzer99, Derp, Endrani and SpikeyNoob for casting.We are scheduled to start the Semi Finals Best of 3 on March 18th at 1400 UTC,
with the Finals to proceed upon completion of the Semi's.Here are the current Tournament standings.
Notice for Team players who will be hosting games:
Please help out the Tournament Directors by -
doing two things in the game lobby.1-"x" the "hide default options "box" in the lobby.
---This is Very Important, as it enables the TD's and players in the game,
---to check the proper AIx cheat and build multipliers for each game.
-----With-out an "x" in this box the pertinent game options will not show in lobby.2:- Hit the "Default Settings" button, so all default settings will be reset,
and only the game specific options will apply -
---Share conditions = Full Share
---AIx Omni Setting = Off
---AIx Cheat and Build multipliers = Set to specified multipliers.FYI--- Lord_Asmodeus (aka-NOC) will be joining some lobbies to help
with game scenario setup's.
Please give him your cooperation, so he is able to expedite the process,
help other team's game lobbies and then join his own teams lobby as well.Thank you, and good luck