Ethereal FAF Client 2.0

Concept of game session

It is a bit dirty without without any game data, but it will look better 😃

This screen will be applied to every game that you will play, coop/custom/tmm

Process of reconnection

тмм и ладдер работают? я давненько не следил за обновами

Sorry for my English. I use translator

@skrat ладдер чуть позже

Process of map generation



If you are using official client, you may need to edit


to C:/ProgramData/FAForever/user/My Games/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander Forged Alliance/maps/

Local maps

Hosting mapgen


  1. Client will remember new versions of map generator, that will used in map generation for lobbies, like 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7... etc.
  2. Dynamic loading of some map generator settings like: Map style, Map biomes
  3. Finally an ability to generate multiple mapgens and select only one to host!

From a practical/end-user perspective is there a summary of the main differences/benefits of this over the standard client?


  1. Lighter
  2. Faster launch
  3. Faster lobby connections
  4. Faster game launches
  5. Faster reconnections
  6. Faster patch confirming before game launch

Theoretically, things that can be made faster:

  1. Map generations
  2. Lobby authorization
  3. Ice adapter

But those things will never happen in near future, because it is different projects

MarcSpector said:

Even process of map generation is faster

Hosting process using local map

btw, you can click on release images and it will redirect you to github release

Is there support for the different game types, in particular FAF Beta Balance and FAF Develop?

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned