Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!

Nice. But why is there no separate Seraphim symbol to easily indicate the Seraphim-missions (and their order)?

good question, we'll look into into it.

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like:

@spengler said in Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!:

Nice. But why is there no separate Seraphim symbol to easily indicate the Seraphim-missions (and their order)?

This is to show which missions were from the Original Supreme commander campaign hence having the faction icons. the FA Campaign also have no faction logos

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

@rowey said in Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!:

@spengler said in Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!:

Nice. But why is there no separate Seraphim symbol to easily indicate the Seraphim-missions (and their order)?

This is to show which missions were from the Original Supreme commander campaign hence having the faction icons. the FA Campaign also have no faction logos

Then the missions should at least be put in the correct chronological order.

Ooooh this sounds very exciting, great job people!!!

FAF Website Developer

Is there a chronological order to this 'mission pack' or do we just dive into any one of the maps randomly and not treat it as a mission?

loving the missions however easier difficulties would be appreaciated so I can play with my brother who is a casual player.
Just putting off the inital attcak by 2 -3 minutes would help a lot on most maps.

@savinguptobebrok said in Seraphim and Coalition campaign updates!:

loving the missions however easier difficulties would be appreaciated so I can play with my brother who is a casual player.
Just putting off the inital attcak by 2 -3 minutes would help a lot on most maps.

You can adjust the difficulty in the lobby options (its set to hard as default):


If this is still too intense join the discord and provide feedback on what you are finding most difficult. The devs are interested in knowing how best to tweak the difficulties.

I get that this survival based ,but "Time expansion" is useless options(doesnt do a thing) in those Campaings.

Love these missions. Only major feedback I have would be to remove the construction of novax. I know its a ‘choose your own way to play’ kind of thing but it would be nice to compete on leaderboards in ways besides novax rushing behind turtled bases.

Is there no way to save the mission and load it at another convenient time for me?

UEF good at literally 1 thing and it gotta get murked hate to see it

Disable novax > would be nice to compete on leaderboards in ways besides strat rushing behind turtled bases.

Disable strats > would be nice to compete on leaderboards in ways besides arty rushing behind turtled bases.

Disable arty> would be nice to compete on leaderboards in ways besides nuke rushing behind turtled bases.

Only realistic way too achieve what you want is to add targets to half the enemy bases so youll have to kill all of it

^^ has been suggested by tagada and a couple of others.
where instead of sniping acus you also have to kill their bases.

Ras Boi's save lives.

I feel like the golden crystals mission is near impossible since the latest improvements for the AI to upgrade to Tech 2

you can always downgrade the difficutly, hard is supposed to be hard and for now, it's the default difficutly.

queuing with a newbie to show him the beauty of tmm and meeting tagada be like: