Mass/energy storage full/depleted ETA timers
im not sure if this should be add, since im certain its essentially useless. For mass you should never have anything in storage, so the timer is useless, while for e your storage is usually gone in 1-10 seconds anyway, so just seeing that youre at +0 or lower is enough info you need to know that you need to build more e (most likely one only notices it only after stalling for 15s+ aöready anyways) - so all I think this will do is cluster the income graph with unnecessary stuff (if added pls then also add an option to deactivate it)
I think for new people this is useful. We are looking to change up the options and introduce categories. one category would be for novice players - this one would fit right in that category.
And of course - there will be an option to disable it. It is already a todo
I'm not novice just have a mind that makes mistakes very easily, really like this.
However would it be possible to also add an audio-alert triggered at some relevant point?
Yes, audio alerts are coming in too but this was easier to do
@turinturambar said in Mass/energy storage full/depleted ETA timers:
For mass you should never have anything in storage, so the timer is useless
@turinturambar said in Mass/energy storage full/depleted ETA timers:
for e your storage is usually gone in 1-10 seconds anyway
If you think e storages are lame and not usable, pls put a suggestion in the balanceforum, in a form that meets the balanceforum suggestion/posting standards (at least somewhat remotely close), instead of posting it somewhere else (where it doesnt belong).
The point of what he said is that you don’t have a situation where it matters that your energy is decreasing in 10 or 20 or 30 seconds. In real game situations, you’re either slightly overflowing or slightly stalling in a stable situation or really stalling or really overflowing in transitionary/crisis stages.
Personally I don’t see how this helps manage eco better than the current way where it shows u how long until x structure is completed.
@thephobius this is irrelevant. if I get mass in the storage from reclaiming I still have to spend it asap, knowing how soon my storage is full/empty is worthless there.
Also I dont see why you assume I would want to change current e management balance (you know changing storage also affects overcharge heavily?). e storage is good as it is. Its just that you dont build 5-20+ of them before the lategame. For energy the feature is useless aswell, because you just need to know that youre negative or allmost negative on e income, because a scaling economy means you will stall soon, or even worse in the future to spend the extra income. So just having a negative income you know you need to build more e. its irrelevant when your e depletes - no player in faf is good enough to notice that he needs e in time ADD use such a timer to calculate when in the next 10-20s he needs to build more e.
real game situations look like ftx said, up to 2k+ -
I think for 1.8K+ players this feature may not hold a lot of value. Players that do not have the experience yet / the capacity to see how their economy changes over time may find this feature useful. In particular casual players that do not play on the cutting edge may find this interesting.
I for one will use it to see how my energy responds, and if I can finish building my t2 / t3 pgen before it runs out
I'll add three toggles:
- One where it is off
- One where only energy has an ETA
- One where both have an ETA
There is no downside to adding this and then having an option to turn it on/off. More information is always good.
More information isn’t always good ie analysis paralysis. The issue people have here is that new players already have BIG issues trying to understand what to focus on and then you include something that for practical purposes doesn’t really help in eco balancing anything more than the current slightly red -> super red flashing color severity for larger and larger stalls.
Optionality shouldn’t be uses as a crutch to put anything in the game “because you can just turn it off” because that’s how you end up with
I’m not really saying we’re at that point now, but I think it becomes something to begin thinking about if we need to consider having things like new player presets.
If I included anything for new players, it would be a notification of “e stalling, we need more pgens and engies reclaiming” which could then be turned off since at least that points new players in the direction of a solution to an eco problem.
@ftxcommando said in Mass/energy storage full/depleted ETA timers:
I’m not really saying we’re at that point now, but I think it becomes something to begin thinking about if we need to consider having things like new player presets.
Beat you to it, I am trying to set that up in this forum post.
I agree with you that we should not overload our users. That is why it is such a struggle to add features to the lobby: it is already full in my opinion.